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Baltimore City Fire Department - Printable Version

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Baltimore City Fire Department - Guest - 12-10-2006

Reserve Engine 61

1964 Mack C95F




Gleitsmann Collection

Baltimore City Fire Department - Guest - 12-10-2006

Reserve Engine 61

Baltimore City Fire Department - Guest - 12-10-2006

Reserve Engine 70

Baltimore City Fire Department - Guest - 12-10-2006

Reserve Enigne 71

Baltimore City Fire Department - Guest - 12-10-2006

Reserve Engine 77

Baltimore City Fire Department - Guest - 12-10-2006

Reserve Engine 77

Baltimore City Fire Department - Guest - 12-10-2006

Last two for tonight; Truck 9

Baltimore City Fire Department - Guest - 12-10-2006

Truck 9

Baltimore City Fire Department - Guest - 12-10-2006

[quote name='BCFDT782' post='57759' date='Dec 10 2006, 18:15 ']When Engine 52 wrecked their Ward LaFrance they had this unit for a short time;[/quote]That Seagrave would have been E-62 then....

Baltimore City Fire Department - Guest - 12-10-2006

Old Engine 3 - Moravia

Baltimore City Fire Department - Guest - 12-10-2006

Old Engine 21 - Hampden

Baltimore City Fire Department - Ladder 68 - 12-10-2006

First off, let me say thanks to everyone who has shared a very detailed apparatus, and for that matter company, history of this fine department.

I have been trying to follow the appratus assignments and keep track of what rig went where and so on (Why I have no idea).

Is it possible that Reserve Truck 39 (The designation) had 2 different '78 Seagrave tillers assigned as such? I show a '78 Ex-T20 and a '78 Ex-T23 both having been assigned to RT39 at some point.

The lineage I show is:

The '78 Seagrave PT at T20 was assigned there new and then it goes to RT039.

The '78 Seagrave PT at T19 was assigned there new and then goes T23 when T19 was disbanded. It then goes to RT039 after T23 was assigned another hand me down '81 Seagrave that formerly served T04, T18 and T12.

Is this possible and correct?

Thanks in advance for tolerating my detail oriented questions.

Baltimore City Fire Department - Guest - 12-10-2006

Old Engine 35 - Brooklyn

Baltimore City Fire Department - Guest - 12-10-2006

Old Engine 14 - "Fort Hollins"

Baltimore City Fire Department - Guest - 12-10-2006

Old Reserve Engine 63

Baltimore City Fire Department - Guest - 12-10-2006

Old Reserve Engine 65

Baltimore City Fire Department - Guest - 12-10-2006

Old Reserve Engine 70

Baltimore City Fire Department - Guest - 12-10-2006

Old Reserve Truck 35

Baltimore City Fire Department - Guest - 12-10-2006

Old Truck 5 - Coldstream Park

Baltimore City Fire Department - Guest - 12-10-2006

Old Truck 21 - Brooklyn