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The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Printable Version

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The Rheems1 Photo Collection - countryboy88 - 06-19-2010

Thanks fo rthe update Dave <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Thumbsup' />

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 08-19-2010

Pat Shoop (EMS12) already posted these shots but I figured I would add my own to the mix.... first up

Nemacolin Fire Department

Greene County, Pa

1978 White/Local Tanker 500/2,600

X-Greensboro, Pa

[Image: 0046NemacolinTanker.jpg]

1992 Pierce Javelin Pumper 1,500/1,000

X- Miami-Dade, FL

[Image: 0047NemacolinEngine1.jpg]

1979 American LaFrance Pumper 1,500/1,000

[Image: 0048NemacolinEngine2.jpg]

2003 Chevrolet Squad

[Image: 0044NemacolinSquad.jpg]

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 08-19-2010

Greensboro-Monogahela Twp Fire Department

Greene County, Pa

1992 Mack/4-Guys Pumper 1,000/1,500

[Image: 0041GreensboroEngine1.jpg]

1981 Mack Pumper 1,000/500

X-Anne Arundel County, MD

[Image: 0043GreensboroEngine2.jpg]

2001 International/Horton Ambulance

X-McAdoo, Pa

[Image: 0040GreensboroAmbulance.jpg]

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 08-19-2010

New Freeport Fire Department

Greene County

1987 Pierce Arrow Pumper 1,250/750

X-Tallman, NY

X-Amwell Twp, Pa

[Image: 0019NewFreeportEngine.jpg]

1998 Freightliner/Local Tanker PP/3,200

[Image: 0020NewFreeportTanker1.jpg]

1974/1996 Ford/Rons Garage Tanker 350/1,500

X-South Franklin, Pa

[Image: 0021NewFreeportTanker2.jpg]

1976/1992 Ford/Pierce/New Lexington Pumper 1,000/750

X-Center Township, Pa

[Image: 0022NewFreeportEngine2.jpg]

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 08-19-2010

On August 11th, Patrick Shoop Jr (Shoop) and I got together to do some shooting around the Harrisburg area... here is what we shot.

193rd Air National Guard Station

Middletown, Pa

Dauphin County

2008 Ford/Pierce Rescue Truck

[Image: 001193rdRescue.jpg]

1986/2006 Oshkosh/CRES P-19 Crash Truck 1,000/1,000/130/500 lb Dry Chem

[Image: 002193rdCrash.jpg]

2008 Ford Utility Truck

[Image: 003193rdUtility.jpg]

1988 International/KME P-18 Tanker 750/2,000

[Image: 004193rdTanker.jpg]

2000 Chevrolet Chief Vehicle

[Image: 005193rdChief.jpg]

How cool is an olive drab chief's car??!!

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 08-19-2010

Defense Logistics Agency

New Cumberland, Pa

York County

2006 International/Wheeled Coach Ambulance

[Image: 006DLAAmbulance.jpg]

2010 KME Pumper 1,500/750/50

[Image: 007DLAEngine1.jpg]

2004 KME Pumper 1,500/1,000/30(A)/75 (Class B )

[Image: 009DLAEngine2.jpg]

1996/2002 KME Rescue Truck

[Image: 008DLARescue.jpg]

1997 KME Tower 2,000/150/102'

[Image: 010DLATower.jpg]

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 08-19-2010

Mid-Atlantic Regional Navy Fire Department

Mechanicsburg, Pa

Cumberland County

1994 KME Pumper 1,250/750/20(A)/100(B )

X-Pensacola, FL

[Image: 011NavyShipPartsEngine.jpg]

2004 Pierce Pumper 1,500/1,000/20(A)/30(B )/55'

[Image: 012NavyShipPartsEngine2.jpg]

1999 Emergency One Pumper 1,250/500/5(A)/45(B )

[Image: 013NavyShipPartsEngine3.jpg]

2006 Ford Chief Vehicle

[Image: 015NavyShipPartsUtility.jpg]

2004 Chevrolet Utility Truck

[Image: 016NavyShipPartsUtility2.jpg]

2008 Ford Utility Truck

[Image: 014NavyShipPartsChief.jpg]

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 08-19-2010

That is what we shot... hopefully you enjoyed them!!!

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Ladder 68 - 08-20-2010

Good stuff...thanks for sharing them.

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Guest - 08-29-2010

Did the naval base in Mechanicsburg Pa change company numbers from 37 to 41? Are they 41 on base and 37 in Cumberland County?


The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 08-29-2010


You basically have it right, in Cumberland County they are still 37 but since the Navy Ship Parts got merged into the Navy Mid-Atlantic region their apparatus was renumbered to reflect it's place in their numbering scheme. Patrick and I both asked the same question too.

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - truck1882 - 08-29-2010

[quote name='Rheems1' date='29 August 2010 - 05:53 PM' timestamp='1283117614' post='399800']


You basically have it right, in Cumberland County they are still 37 but since the Navy Ship Parts got merged into the Navy Mid-Atlantic region their apparatus was renumbered to reflect it's place in their numbering scheme. Patrick and I both asked the same question too.


Fabulous photos, I understand you had a little outside assistance on getting these photos! Man I wish I could have been along for those! Did you shot the stations, or is that forbidden?

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 08-29-2010

[quote name='truck1882' date='29 August 2010 - 07:25 PM' timestamp='1283123119' post='399806']

Fabulous photos, I understand you had a little outside assistance on getting these photos! Man I wish I could have been along for those! Did you shot the stations, or is that forbidden?


Outside assistance LOL.... we didn't shoot the stations but the next time I go in I will grab station shots for you... I wasn't even thinking...I DO have a station shot for you though...reference the message I just sent you through here <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 09-16-2010

I went out and about on Monday to do some picture taking, I decided to make a run into Virginia which is new territory for me. I had some companies in mind that I wanted to photograph, sadly I didn't find people at most of the stations I wanted but I did find some people at other stations. Before I post these please know that I was by myself and I have trouble sometimes with my confidence and telling people how to line stuff up so it is posed properly.. having said that here we go:

Middletown Fire Department

Frederick County, VA

1998 Pierce Pumper 1,250/1,250

[Image: 001MiddletownEngine1.jpg]

2004 Sterling/Pierce Tanker 1,000/2,000

[Image: 002MiddletownTanker.jpg]

2004 Pierce Rescue-Pumper 1,250/750

[Image: 003MiddletownRescue.jpg]

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 09-16-2010

Toms Brooks Fire Department

Shenandoah County, Va

2005 Sterling/Seagrave Tanker 1,750/3,500

[Image: 004TomsBrooksTanker.jpg]

1996 Pierce Pumper 1,250/1,000

[Image: 005TomsBrookEngine.jpg]

They also have a Seagrave Concord Rescue-engine which was out of service for repairs (like it has been for most of it's life) which was not there.

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 09-16-2010

Broadway Fire Department

Rockingham County, Va

2001 Pierce Pumper 1,250/1,000

[Image: 006BroadwayEngine1.jpg]

1999 International/Pierce Tanker 750/2,000

[Image: 007BroadwayTanker.jpg]

1987 Pierce Pumper 1,000/750

[Image: 008BroadwayEngine2.jpg]

These specs are all subject to correction, the guy pulling them out said he thought that was right but also was not happy with me looking for myself... so corrections welcome!!

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 09-16-2010

Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport

Augusta County, Va

2001 E\-One Crash Truck

[Image: 009ShenadoahRegionalAirport.jpg]

[Image: 010ShenadoahRegionalAirport2.jpg]

1988 Oshkosh Crash Truck

[Image: 011ShenandoahRegionalAirport3.jpg]

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 09-16-2010

Grottoes Fire Department

Augusta County, Va

2003 Sutphen pumper 1,500/1,000/25

[Image: 012GrottoesEngine1.jpg]

2007 International/KME Tanker 1,000/1,800

[Image: 013GrottoesTanker.jpg]

1978 Mack CF Pumper 1,250/750

[Image: 014GrottoesEngine2.jpg]

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 09-16-2010

This was my whole day of shooting, hopefully you have enjoyed the always corrections are welcome.

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Guest - 09-16-2010

Good stuff Fritz. Your getting better with the posing.