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E-One Fire Apparatus - Printable Version

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E-One Fire Apparatus - Txfirephoto - 07-12-2008

Fort Worth, Tx

Water 35

1990 GMC White/Emergency One


E-One Fire Apparatus - Txfirephoto - 07-12-2008

Fort Worth, Tx

Rescue 351

1990 Emergency One Titan


E-One Fire Apparatus - Guest - 07-29-2008

US Steel Corp, Gary In.

1996 Int'l/E-One




Greg Melyon photo

E-One Fire Apparatus - mfd110 - 07-31-2008

This is a very sharp rig. One of my favorite e-ones I have seen...

[quote name='1961MackC95' post='225507' date='Jun 30 2008, 18:41 '][Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=35293]

2005 E\-One 2000/500 Engine 1 Richardson, TX

Left Front View

Lindsay D

Richardson, TX

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=35292][/quote]

E-One Fire Apparatus - Guest - 07-31-2008

Aetna Hose, Hook & Ladder Co. of Newark, Delaware has this 1994 E\-One Cyclone Rescue.

John Alford Photo.

E-One Fire Apparatus - MFD76 - 08-01-2008

[quote name='JFong' post='119964' date='Jun 16 2007, 13:37 ']Jack Daniels Fire Department

Photo Credits FL Ron[/quote]

Does anyone have a photo of the JDFD Snorkle to post. It came from North Kansas City, Missouri.

E-One Fire Apparatus - srq2009 - 08-10-2008

Sarasota County Florida Truck 31

E-One Fire Apparatus - Guest - 08-10-2008

[quote name='KFDI3' post='200513' date='Mar 27 2008, 20:22 '][/quote]

Is that a keypad for keyless entry on the cab?

E-One Fire Apparatus - mj1074 - 08-11-2008

Sarasota County FL Engine 15

2007 Cyclone II


[Image: 1.jpg]

E-One Fire Apparatus - srq2009 - 08-11-2008

[quote name='mj1074' post='237650' date='Aug 11 2008, 20:34 ']Sarasota County FL Engine 15

2007 Cyclone II


[Image: 1.jpg][/quote]

Hey great pic!! Is Engine 15 in service yet? All of the temporary/new stations going in in South Sarasota, plus all the new engines...they have me confused.

Is anyone staffing Station 17 on North Cattleman? I drove by the other day but it looked very empty

E-One Fire Apparatus - mj1074 - 08-11-2008

[quote name='srq2009' post='237661' date='Aug 11 2008, 20:47 ']Hey great pic!! Is Engine 15 in service yet? All of the temporary/new stations going in in South Sarasota, plus all the new engines...they have me confused.

Is anyone staffing Station 17 on North Cattleman? I drove by the other day but it looked very empty[/quote]

Engine 15 has been in service since December 2007 while Rescue 15 has been in service since July 2006 in the temp station.

The current temporary stations are: 10 (engine & rescue) at Vic Edwards and Fruitville, 15 (engine & rescue) on Pinkney Rd (the permanent station is supposed to break ground in September at Honore and Bloomfield), 16 (ALS engine) in Twin Lakes Park (Hummingbird Rd), and 17 (rescue only) on N. Cattleman. 17 is staffed M-F 0800-1600.

E-One Fire Apparatus - mj1074 - 08-11-2008

[quote name='srq2009' post='237285' date='Aug 10 2008, 10:31 ']Sarasota County Florida Truck 31[/quote]

This is a 2007 Cyclone II 95'. It is our newest truck and is a reserve.

E-One Fire Apparatus - mj1074 - 08-11-2008

This is old Engine 4 now currently Engine 22. It was originally E-8 before going to Station 4.

2000 Cyclone II


[Image: 100_0540-1.jpg]

E-One Fire Apparatus - DaveYoung - 08-11-2008

[quote name='mj1074' post='237674' date='Aug 11 2008, 21:01 ']This is a 2007 Cyclone II 95'. It is our newest truck and is a reserve.[/quote]

What are the years of the first-line truck companies? Must have a "young" fleet of truck apparatus.

E-One Fire Apparatus - Guest - 08-11-2008

Some Great lookin' Rigs, Guys!

Here's a few from Fairfax County, Va...

Engine 438

(West Centreville)

2001 E\-One Cyclone II


E-One Fire Apparatus - mj1074 - 08-11-2008

[quote name='DaveYoung' post='237677' date='Aug 11 2008, 21:19 ']What are the years of the first-line truck companies? Must have a "young" fleet of truck apparatus.[/quote]

Truck 1 is a 1999 Cyclone II 95' platform

Truck 5 is a 2005 Cyclone II 75' stick

Truck 11 is a 2003 Cyclone II 100' Bronto

E-One Fire Apparatus - Guest - 08-11-2008

Engine 416


1995 E\-One

Note: this was a quick shot photo... the cop was being a real jerk to me about getting away from the fire ground, so I took what I could and left.


E-One Fire Apparatus - Guest - 08-11-2008

Fairfax County Reserve Truck

(Running as City of Fairfax Truck 403)

1989 E\-One 105'

I thought this turned out really cool looking...


E-One Fire Apparatus - Guest - 08-11-2008

Here's a shot of the same truck with a little bit of light...


E-One Fire Apparatus - mj1074 - 08-11-2008

SCFD Engine 2

2000 Cyclone II 1250/750

SCFD Engine 6

2004 Typhoon 1250/1500

SCFD Engine 22 - retired

1992 Protector 1250/1000

SCFD Engine 24 Ex Tanker 154, Ex Tanker 54 - retired

1987 Hurricane 3000 gal.

SCFD Truck 11 - retired

1987 Hurricane 110'

SCFD Engine 13 - retired, now used by Sarasota County Technical Institute Fire Academy

1989 Hush

SCFD Engine 33 Ex E-41, Ex E-321, Ex E-311 - retired

1984 Hurricane

[Image: 1-1.jpg]

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[Image: IMG_1693.jpg]

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[Image: IMG_1711.jpg]