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History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - Printable Version

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History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - jim kay - 11-24-2007

And not to forget that prior to the 1996 Summer Olympics the city shut down Sta.11.....Co.11 was moved to Sta.15....and Eng. 15 relocated to Sta.23 to reorganize Co.23......Long Story here.....SHOE fill us in on all the particulars of this as I don't want to leave anything out......

History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - Shoe - 11-25-2007

[quote name='jim kay' post='166122' date='Nov 24 2007, 07:45 ']And not to forget that prior to the 1996 Summer Olympics the city shut down Sta.11.....Co.11 was moved to Sta.15....and Eng. 15 relocated to Sta.23 to reorganize Co.23......Long Story here.....SHOE fill us in on all the particulars of this as I don't want to leave anything out......[/quote]

OH, OK... Engine #23 had been closed in 1994 when Truck #8 and Truck #34 were disbanded. This left Med-Com #1 alone at Station #23 to keep the lights on. MC-1 was the re-organization of Rescue #8 when it was disbanded. During this time, Station #23 was under the 2nd Battalion. Station #11 was closed just before the Olympics because it was "unsafe for the firefighters". There was a lot of hard feelings about this closing and it was done practically in the middle of the night. Engine #11 was moved to Station #4 on Ellis St. with Engine #6 and Squad #4. Truck #11 was moved to Station #15. That "unsafe" building was rented out and used as a restaurant and bar during the Olympics. Apparently is was not "unsafe" for crowds of bar patrons with cash... Anyway... After the Olympics there was a big push by the Berkeley Park neighborhood to get an engine back at #23. Gwen Langston organized the Berkeley Park Neighborhood Association <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smash.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smash' /> for the purpose of re-organizing Engine Company #23 <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/drredengine.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Drredengine' /> . She was adamant with City Council Member Claire Muller in getting that done. In 1997, in order to ease overcrowding at Station #4 and answer the request of the citizens, Engine #15 was moved in it's entirety (rig and crew) to Station #23 and became Engine #23. The house then came under the 3rd Battalion <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/drbat.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Drbat' /> . Engine #11 was moved from Station #4 to Station #15 and became Engine #15, but they operated as a double company with Truck #11. Truck #11 maintained their own company to keep Company #11 active in the payroll system. Until recently they functioned as a double company in reality, but as two single companies on paper <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/shrug.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Shrug' /> . When City Council approved Company #11 as a "new" company in Atlantic Station, it was OK then to change Truck #11 to Truck #15. For many, this was the last ties to the old "Big House" <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/deadhorse.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Deadhorse' /> . I do not know what the status of Company #11 currently is <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_lalala.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Icon_lalala' /> . Med Com #1 was disbanded in June of 2005. In August of 2007, it was re-organized as two one-person units known as Paramedic Supervisor #1 and PS-2 out of Station #23. PS-1 is medical oversight for the paramedic engine companies and PS-2 is medical oversight for the remainder of the companies. Stay tuned... There is sure to be more to come...

Also... Station #11... you know the one that was too "unsafe" for firefighters... is now known as the "Spotted Dog Pub" on North Avenue. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/banghead.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Banghead' />

History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - Shoe - 11-25-2007

PS-1 is a 2006 Chevy Silverado 3500 4WD Crew Cab.

History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - Ladder 68 - 11-25-2007

Great detailed history. Typical city politics. We closed our Station #1 in Houston to sell the land for an aquarium restaurant.

History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - Guest - 12-10-2007

[quote name='Ladder 68' post='166574' date='Nov 25 2007, 11:08 ']Great detailed history. Typical city politics. We closed our Station #1 in Houston to sell the land for an aquarium restaurant.[/quote]

Yeah, but Shoe left out the part about the then Fire Chief's career-long hatred of company 11. He harbored a hatred of the company his whole career, and took action when he was in a place to do so. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_crazy.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Icon_crazy' />

Prior to closing the station, there were several opportunities to refurbish the station. The Atlanta history center offered to foot the bill for a complete, historically accurate renovation, as long as they could conduct a couple of tours a day there. The fire Chief denied the request, stating that a working firehouse was too dangerous for the public!

This was the same man who instituted the policy of allowing children's Birthday Parties at fire Stations! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/banghead.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Banghead' />

History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - jim kay - 12-20-2007

And to continue with Company 14 Station was built in 1912,Here is a photo of the original ticker and stone from the station.

History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - jim kay - 12-20-2007

The old bell from the station and a photo of the old Sta. and Engine.

Credit to the original photog.

History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - Guest - 12-20-2007

An old picture of Fire Station 14. FYI: This was Atlanta's 13th fire station to go in service in 1912. The Fire Chief (Chief W.B. Cummings) at the time must have been superstitious because they skipped over the number 13 when they opened up Station 14 in 1912. It would be the next Chief (Chief W. B. Cody) who was elected Chief in 1915 that would eventually open up a Fire Station #13 in 1921.

History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - Guest - 12-20-2007

Members of Buckhead Truck 21 operate thier stick into position to place Christmas Lights on a tree in front of thier Firehouse a couple of weeks ago. Spur of the moment photo op. Merry Christmas to all and to all a Happy New Year!!!!!!

History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - Guest - 12-20-2007

Sunnier shot! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/dreurotruck.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Dreurotruck' />

History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - Guest - 01-02-2008

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/drredengine.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Drredengine' /> Here is Engine Company 13. Located in thier original single bay firehouse at 447 Flat Shoals Ave SE. Opened on September 1, 1921.

History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - Guest - 01-02-2008


History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - Guest - 01-02-2008

Older picture of 13.

History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - Guest - 01-02-2008

Black and White photo.

History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - Guest - 01-02-2008

The first Station 12 (1066 Dekalb Ave) opened on February 1, 1911. Number 12 was where the first motorized pumping engine was placed in service. It was a Webb triple combination engine with six cylinders and cost $9,000.

History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - Guest - 01-02-2008

Company 12 in the 50's. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/drredengine.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Drredengine' />

History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - Shoe - 01-23-2008

[quote name='Tom2e' post='170392' date='Dec 10 2007, 02:46 ']Yeah, but Shoe left out the part about the then Fire Chief's career-long hatred of company 11. He harbored a hatred of the company his whole career, and took action when he was in a place to do so. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_crazy.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Icon_crazy' />

Prior to closing the station, there were several opportunities to refurbish the station. The Atlanta history center offered to foot the bill for a complete, historically accurate renovation, as long as they could conduct a couple of tours a day there. The fire Chief denied the request, stating that a working firehouse was too dangerous for the public!

This was the same man who instituted the policy of allowing children's Birthday Parties at fire Stations! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/banghead.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Banghead' />[/quote]

Station #11 in 1990.

History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - Shoe - 01-23-2008

Engine #19. The original "Champaign Bulldog".

History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - Shoe - 01-23-2008

Does anyone remember THE BUS?

History of the Atlanta Fire Dept. - Shoe - 01-23-2008

The original Station #35 was razed to make way for the new tower.