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Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - Printable Version

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Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - SOlsonBFDL14 - 06-02-2007

Also, Ladder 2 will be getting a new 2007 Seagrave TDA within the next couple of weeks. Photos on Somerville's website of it pre-lettering.

Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - Guest - 06-02-2007

Skip, I will check that link out as I have a find place in my heart for the SFD

Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - SOlsonBFDL14 - 06-02-2007

You should post your photos of the Lime Maxim pumpers from the 1970's and 80's. Love those big snouted rigs!

Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - Guest - 06-02-2007

[quote name='Lime Guy' post='114715' date='Jun 2 2007, 22:27 ']Somerville C3 One of two district chiefs on duty in the city[/quote]

C3s counterpart, C2 a 199? Chevt Tahoe stationed @ HQ.

Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - Guest - 06-02-2007

Engine 1 - A 1989 Pierce Lance 1250/500/50F,

Engine 2 - A 2002 Pierce Enforcer 1250/500,

Engine 7 - A 1996 Pierce Saber 1250/500.

Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - Guest - 06-02-2007

Special Operations Unit - A Chevy Van,

Air Supply Unit - A 1978 GMC,

Somerville AUX Squad 1 - A 1989 Ford/Frontline - Former Pro Ambulance.

Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - Guest - 06-02-2007

Want more, of course you do

Here is Engine 7

Hey, what inspired em to put that rotoray on that lil fella

Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - Guest - 06-02-2007


Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - Guest - 06-02-2007

final E 7

Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - Guest - 06-02-2007

Now for Squad 2, the lighting plant. A former city truck that was pressed into service after the old international (old rescue) bit the dino.

The long time Aux Fire chief liked white trucks. The new chief must like white trusts less. They used to have a pumper and a hose wagon but apparently no more

Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - Guest - 06-02-2007

and what this does is beyond me. Thanks milton for its pedegree. Any pics of it in pro paint?

Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - Guest - 06-02-2007

[quote name='Lime Guy' post='114779' date='Jun 2 2007, 23:42 ']Now for Squad 2, the lighting plant. A former city truck that was pressed into service after the old international (old rescue) bit the dino.

The long time Aux Fire chief liked white trucks. The new chief must like white trusts less. They used to have a pumper and a hose wagon but apparently no more[/quote]

John do you know if the SAFD still run with the old Squad 1 which is a mirror image of Squad 2, also do they still run the old Bronco? I also want to see all those old Somervilel trucks, i wish i could get my grandfathers old photos/slides of somerville on here.


Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - firstduephotos - 06-02-2007

Man that Seagrave is gunna be PRETTY! Two beautiful Seagrave TDA in MetroFire soon. Lets hope thats the beginning of a trend!

and a'cuz Skip asked......

Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - firstduephotos - 06-02-2007

Ladder 2 - May 10 1986

Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - Guest - 06-02-2007

[quote name='Lime Guy' post='114781' date='Jun 2 2007, 23:43 ']and what this does is beyond me. Thanks milton for its pedegree. Any pics of it in pro paint?[/quote]

I have an old photo of it with Pro's scheme but no scanner, it ended its life with Pro as unit 875 the MCI/Spe-Ops unit.


Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - Guest - 06-03-2007

Im posting them as i find them,

Mass Dept of Fire Services TOMS (Technical Operations Module) 21.

A 1996 Freightliner/Hackney, Stationed at Somerville HQ.

Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - Guest - 06-03-2007

Unknoiwn re Somervile Aux fire

In my day they had an international lighting plant and an old Army jeep that for a time became the mechanics truck

Then they had an old yellow Seagrave that came from an airport. Then an old MAxim engine and an old Hose wagon

Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - Guest - 06-03-2007

BTW, there are slide scanners and they are cheap

Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - Guest - 06-03-2007

For the first time a lot of other FDs showed up at Somerville's Memorial Day parade. Thanks guys

Massachusetts Fire Apparatus - Guest - 06-03-2007

Out of respect for our leader how could we let this FD go so long with out its own thread???