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Hungrybus 2012 - Printable Version

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Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-17-2014

Here's some from a recent trip through Baltimore County.Here's 1 of The 6 new Spartan Rosenbauer Engines the County purchased last year

Engine 4 out of the Catonsville Station

Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-17-2014

Baltimore County Engine 5 are due to be replaced with the next batch of pumpers

Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-17-2014

Baltimore County has 21 Freightliner Medics on order which should replace the whole career fleet, here's a shot of Medic 4 before they get there New one

Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-17-2014

BCoFD Truck 13 was one of 2 Spartan Rosenbauer Tillers recieved last year, they now have 3 on there roster

Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-17-2014

Engine 13 is one of the 1st batch of Spartan Rosenbauers The County purchased

Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-17-2014

Reserve Car 69

Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-17-2014

Engine 2 is another of The New Spartans

Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-17-2014

Here's one of The Volunteer House I've been wanting to shoot for some time now, this visit I got lucky and there were Drivers there.

Pikesville VFD

Engine 321

Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-17-2014

Pikesville runs this Beast of a Squad as

Squad 322

Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-17-2014

Pikesville also runs a Truck Company with Tower 323

Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-17-2014

Pikesville's Medic Unit

Medic 325

Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-17-2014

Last one for now. Here's a Career Medic Unit that took me 11 years to get a photo of, Ive been by there house several times, and either they were on a call or in a Reserve. I hope it don't take 11 years to get there New One

Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-25-2014

Here's some more shots from my recent trip through Baltimore County

Reserve Engine 78 was running as Eng 14

Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-25-2014

Reserve Air unit 1 was also running out of 14 this vist, perhaps one of the oldest units still in service on the Career Roster

Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-25-2014

Talk about Brother Hood, this Rescue Engine from The Bonneauviile Fire Co. in Adams Co.,Pa. is on loan to the Lutherville VFD in Baltimore Co. while there Rescue Squad is out for Accident Repair

Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-25-2014

Lutrherville has recently placed this New Utility in service

Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-25-2014

Stopped at Station 17 to get a few Medics I needed.

Medic 17

Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-25-2014

Also running out of 17 is this Daytime only Medic I think

Medic 117

Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-25-2014

Also got another shot of The New Engine

Hungrybus 2012 - hungrybus - 03-25-2014

Also while at 17 got a chance to catch up on some of The Reserve Officers Cars I needed.

Reserve Car 63