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District of Columbia Firehouses - Printable Version

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District of Columbia Firehouses - DCpsychwardFD - 11-22-2010


District of Columbia Firehouses - DCpsychwardFD - 11-22-2010


The Watch Desk, with the Reader board above

District of Columbia Firehouses - DCpsychwardFD - 11-22-2010


2 new fire poles, the 3rd being up front by the Watch Desk

District of Columbia Firehouses - DCpsychwardFD - 11-22-2010


Red for the Wagon

District of Columbia Firehouses - DCpsychwardFD - 11-22-2010


Green for the Truck

District of Columbia Firehouses - DCpsychwardFD - 11-22-2010


The House of Pain patch laid into the floor.

District of Columbia Firehouses - DCpsychwardFD - 11-22-2010


Brand new kitchen

District of Columbia Firehouses - DCpsychwardFD - 11-22-2010


The sitting room with the classic working fire place.

District of Columbia Firehouses - DCpsychwardFD - 11-22-2010


The downstairs gear locker room

District of Columbia Firehouses - DCpsychwardFD - 11-22-2010


Hallway to the bunk room

District of Columbia Firehouses - DCpsychwardFD - 11-22-2010


Engine 10's side of the bunk room

District of Columbia Firehouses - DCpsychwardFD - 11-22-2010


Truck 13's side of the bunk room

District of Columbia Firehouses - DCpsychwardFD - 11-22-2010


Engine Officer's room. The exact same room is on the opposite side for the Truck Officer.

District of Columbia Firehouses - DCpsychwardFD - 11-22-2010


The parking spots on the Bravo side. With 2 heavy duty locking gates of course.

District of Columbia Firehouses - DCpsychwardFD - 11-22-2010

There are still a few more things in the works and once they are complete I will update them on here.

District of Columbia Firehouses - Guest - 11-22-2010

Looks Awesome. Great photos love the fireplace.

District of Columbia Firehouses - Guest - 11-22-2010

Thanks for the pics, Roy! Looks like a great improvement.

District of Columbia Firehouses - Guest - 11-22-2010

The station looks great! I'm always so fascinated how old firehouses are restored. I'm doing my senior year thesis project at MICA (Maryland Institute College of Art) on making plans how to restore an old firehouse in Baltimore City (Old 5 Truck House on E.Oliver St. & Harford Ave) that has actually been vacant since 2000.

District of Columbia Firehouses - Guest - 11-23-2010

Thanks for the tour Ray.Firehouse looks awesome!You guys deserve it consistently being the busiest house in the nation.Well done!

District of Columbia Firehouses - dcfdtech - 11-23-2010


The Florida Ave Hilton looks really good!! I do like the wider bay doors. It was a bitch backing in there before.