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The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Printable Version

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The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Truckie32 - 12-06-2007

Great shots Dave. I really like the Maxim tanker, very cool piece.

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Andrew2340 - 12-06-2007

You're a lucky man Dave Fritz! Go on a fire-trucking trip and get to respond on a working SFIRE! By the way, I love that rehab unit from Fame & Bill weren't kidding!! We've gotta visit that place sometime!

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Guest - 12-06-2007


You guys should have stopped at Belleville's firehouse on the way through. I was the officer on United's Engine. I'm sure we could have moved it for you, because we were bored out of our minds. No TV, No Recliners, No Food equals not a good transfer. lol


You guys are welcome anytime. I am currently employed at Fame and of course my dad is the Chief. Maybe next year you guys can do a PA trip up to my area. I'd be glad to take you around to the departments in my county and the neighboring ones as well.

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - fyrfoto - 12-06-2007

[quote name='Rheems1' post='169249' date='Dec 6 2007, 09:35 ']On Wendsday October 31st I ventured up to Lewistown for a day of running EMS and to visit with Pat Shoop (EMS12), before I even got to the station a barn fire was dispatched out in the middle of yonder. When a second alarm is struck the Rehab unit from FAME EMS is also sent, I was in contact with Pat the whole time and made it to the ambulance building just in time to catch the Rehab unit. While we were there (and Rehab was running smoothly on it's own) I photographed some of the apparatus that was on the scene. These of course are fireground shots so they are not posed and pretty... but the pictures came out pretty well anyway. I have no information on these rigs so Pat will have to fill that in. We will start with a picture of the Rehab unit from the FAME.

1996 Freightliner/Exellence Rehab Unit

[Image: DSC00179.jpg][/quote]

Looking at the color scheme I am curious, are these the folks that once had a blue and cream ahrens fox?


The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 12-06-2007

I am going to defer to Shoop on this question, he can answer it and provide history better than me.

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Guest - 12-06-2007


You are partially correct on that. Fame EMS broke away from the Fire Dept. in 1994. In 1994 the Fame Fire Co. and the Henderson Fire Co. merged to form United Fire & Rescue. Fame Fire Co. owned the Blue and Cape Ivory rigs.

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 12-06-2007

[quote name='Shoop' post='169302' date='Dec 6 2007, 14:05 ']Dave,

You guys should have stopped at Belleville's firehouse on the way through. I was the officer on United's Engine. I'm sure we could have moved it for you, because we were bored out of our minds. No TV, No Recliners, No Food equals not a good transfer. lol


You guys are welcome anytime. I am currently employed at Fame and of course my dad is the Chief. Maybe next year you guys can do a PA trip up to my area. I'd be glad to take you around to the departments in my county and the neighboring ones as well.[/quote]


Jimmy and I would have stopped in but we were trying to hurry back to Lewistown for the Holiday Parade that night, I thought I saw you at Belleville's station standing next to the engine. I can't imagine, that was probaby a really boring transfer.. them there Amish in Belleville don't believe in that TV idea LOL.

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 12-06-2007


Now THERE would be a good county for you to go to if you want color!!! In Patrick's county there is a station that has a black engine and a metallic blue tanker, there is another station that has dark blue equipment and there is third station that has medium blue colored apparatus... there are 2 stations that have orange and white apparatus in his county also. BUT (I know you never start a sentence with the word but.... but please forgive me this one time) THE county to go to for color is Snyder County. I have posted an example of a piece from Snyder County to give you an idea. In Snyder County you will find the following colors:

Kelly Green over Mint Green-Middleburg

Gold and White- Shamokin Dam

Medium (booger) Green- Beavertown

Orange,White and Blue- Beaver Springs

Metallic Gray over Metallic Blue- Port Treverton

Right next to Snyder County is Northumberland County and the town of Sunbury... in Sunbury you will find 5 different fire companies with 5 different colors:

Sunbury Steam-Black

Rescue Hose Co- White

Americus Hose Co- Red and White

East Sunbury- Yellow

Goodwill Rescue Company- Blue and White

That is the place to go and Patrick is THE MAN to set that up... I guarentee your mind will boggle!!

[Image: MiddleburgRescue.jpg]

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Guest - 12-06-2007


I have plenty of contacts for Snyder County. Middleburg just received their new rescue from 4-guys. I can't wait to go get pictures of it. It turned out nice!. The other good thing about next year, is that around picture time I should be able to drive the Black Engine and Metallic Blues Macks at Highland Park, and also the KME Engine at United. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Big Grin' />

Here are some photos courtesy of the 4-Guys website.

[Image: reliance-middleburg8.jpg]

[Image: reliance-middleburg1.jpg]

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 12-06-2007


Wow, that does look good!! I will definitly have to get up there to photograph that. BTW, we got a Federal Grant for a new engine (in the amount of $222,001) so look for a new piece showing up in the 8-1 House before next year is over!! I am on the Engine Committee of course so as things progress I will let you know more, I am hoping and pushing for a Sutphen (though I used to hate Sutphen apparatus) but we shall see... I can imagine it will come down to E\-One or Seagrave but I am just guessing.

Dave Fritz

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - EMS 12 - 12-06-2007

Gotta love the lime green stripe on that Rehab Unit. When are you coming back Fritz? We need some more action.

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 05-07-2008

I realized I never finished posting my photos from the Boonton parade and I have found more from the Hicksville Parade from the same weekend... so I will continue posting now.

Whipanny Fire Department

Morris County, NJ

Mack B Pumper

[Image: Copy047-1.jpg]

KME Rescue Truck

[Image: Copy048-1.jpg]

KME Pumper

[Image: Copy049-1.jpg]

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 05-07-2008

Millington-Long Pond Twp Fire Department

Morris County, NJ

E\-One Ladder Truck

[Image: Copy050-1.jpg]

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 05-07-2008

Pomptain Plains Fire Department

Morris County, NJ

Emergency One/Saulsbury Rescue-Pumper

[Image: Copy051-1.jpg]

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 06-02-2008

Yesterday was a good day for a trip, EMS 12, Dave Bowen and I all headed to McKean County to photograph some fire apparatus, last year we started this county and hoped to finish it up. We came very, very close but there was one station where no one was and the clouds were starting to move in.... but it was still a great time. I will share some of the pictures with you but will admit (as always) that I didn't get information on these pieces... I love to shoot apparatus but always forget to take down information on the pieces I photograph.

Lewis Run Fire Department

McKean County, Pa

Dodge/Reading Brush Truck

[Image: DSC_0075.jpg]

2008 International/KME Pumper

[Image: DSC_0079.jpg]

Freightliner/KME Pumper

[Image: DSC_0080.jpg]

Mack/4-guys Tanker

[Image: DSC_0001.jpg]

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 06-02-2008

Corydon Township Fire Department

McKean County

Ford/PL Custom Squad Truck

X-Bound Brook Rescue Squad, NJ

[Image: DSC_0009.jpg]

Kenworth/Fouts Brothers Tanker

[Image: DSC_0015.jpg]

Duplex/KME Pumper

X-Madera, Pa

[Image: DSC_0020.jpg]

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 06-02-2008

In going through my photographs, I came upon this one. I am a member of the Schuylkill County Historical Fire Society in Shenandoah, Pa.... we have a wonderful muesem of old firefighting items from Schuylkill County as well as a collection of fire alarm boxs and related Gamewell equipment. We also have a wonderful collection of fire apparatus that served in Schuylkill County at one point, the Polish American Fire Company in Shenandoah had a housing parade for a new piece and I was lucky enough to get to drive one of our pieces through the parade (and than around town for some pictures after the parade).

Schuylkill County Historic Fire Society

Schuylkill County, Pa

1975 International/Car-Mar Pumper 750/500

X-Middleport, Pa

[Image: DSC_0002.jpg]

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 06-02-2008

Lafayette Township Fire Department

McKean County

2008 International/Ahrens-Fox Pumper

[Image: DSC_0058.jpg]

1982 Pemfab/Oren Tanker-Pumper

X-Hughsville, MD

[Image: DSC_0061.jpg]

Ford/? Squad Truck

[Image: DSC_0064.jpg]

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Rheems1 - 06-02-2008

Summerdale Fire Department

Cumberland County, Pa

1992/96 Grumman Engine 1,750/600

[Image: DSC_0010.jpg]

1978 Ford/Van Pelt Pumper-Tanker 1,500/1,500

X-Elk Grove, CA

[Image: DSC_0013.jpg]

2003 Ford/Firematic Brush Truck ?/400

[Image: DSC_0019.jpg]

The Rheems1 Photo Collection - Guest - 06-02-2008


I found a link to the manufacturer of that Super Pumper System in Chatham NJ. I am NOT endorsing just intrigued.
