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Rescue Truck Destroyed In Fire Comes To Back To Life For Another Calling - Printable Version

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Rescue Truck Destroyed In Fire Comes To Back To Life For Another Calling - TacSupport1 - 10-28-2015

Stiloski's Automotive And Heavy Duty Towing(Tarrytown, NY) recently completely rebuilt Goldens Bridge (Westchester County, NY) former Rescue 24, a 2001 Spartan/Rescue 1. It was destroyed in a fire that gutted their firehouse in February of 2014.

Rescue 24 was totaled. Stiloski's purchased Rescue 24 as salvage, and completely rebuilt it in house. The roof and interior needed complete replacement, the body needed complete repainting and structural repair, in additional to numerous mechanical items that were destroyed by the heat and smoke. .

This truck operates now as an Incident Support unit, supporting Stiloski's two heavy duty 85 ton rotating boom wreckers, as well as other recovery equipment. It carries, amongst other things, chains, cribbing, jacks, high lift air bags, generators, scene lighting, cutting torches, fuel spill containment and cleanup supplies, traffic cones, and other specialized tools.

Also to note, Stiloski's loaned the former Tarrytown Engine 80 to GBFD until they can obtain a new rescue.

[Image: GBFD1.jpg]

After the fire:
[Image: GBFD3.jpg]

And after the rebuild:
[Image: GBFD2.jpg]

Rescue Truck Destroyed In Fire Comes To Back To Life For Another Calling - nealcraig - 10-28-2015

Nice rebuild

Rescue Truck Destroyed In Fire Comes To Back To Life For Another Calling - Juice - 10-28-2015

Wow, I wondered what happened to this truck! They should consider making a side business of this lol. Did't they buy one of FDNY's old Mack MC tandem axle rescues, years back?



Rescue Truck Destroyed In Fire Comes To Back To Life For Another Calling - BFD190 - 10-28-2015

Nicely done.. can't think of a better way to utilize an older rescue rig than to assist heavy duty rigging and recovery work. Perfect.

Rescue Truck Destroyed In Fire Comes To Back To Life For Another Calling - Guest - 10-28-2015

Any photos of the loaner truck they have? Nice looking rebuild.

Rescue Truck Destroyed In Fire Comes To Back To Life For Another Calling - TacSupport1 - 10-30-2015

Quote:Wow, I wondered what happened to this truck! They should consider making a side business of this lol. Did't they buy one of FDNY's old Mack MC tandem axle rescues, years back?
 You remember correctly. This was the former Rescue 1, a 1988 Mack/Saulsbury. It has since been disposed of.

Quote:Any photos of the loaner truck they have? Nice looking rebuild.
I'll try to dig one up.

Rescue Truck Destroyed In Fire Comes To Back To Life For Another Calling - B95MACKFIRE - 11-09-2015

The Mack Rescue 1 is safe and sound and now part of the warehouse in Circleville New York