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Centennial, CO House Fire 12/9/2013
Around 17:30 Cunningham & South Metro Firefighters responded to a reported structure fire at 5111 South Olathe Way.  First arriving Engine 62 declared a working fire in a two story single family dwelling and conducted a 360.  The 360 revealed a walkout basement and heavy flames venting from the first floor, Charlie side, auto exposing the second floor.  An 1 3/4 was advanced inside and Engine 63 completed the water supply.  A back up line was taken inside by Company 63 and South Metro Medic 46.  The fire was quickly darkened down but there was quite a bit of extension.




This looks like a nothing fire... but stay with me...



South Metro Tower 45 conducts vertical ventilation


Not much in the attic, but a nice hole was completed.



It was 12 degrees so everything iced up quickly, including this firefighters mask


With the fire declared out, South Metro Tower 45 crew poses for a photo.



Around 20:00 while I was editing the first batch of photos at home... A fire investigator and battalion chief were all that remained on scene and the first due engine was driving away.  A small body of fire was noticed in the charlie side eave and E62 was ordered back to pull a line for some quick overhaul.  With such a well ventilated attic from earlier and the charlie side wide open, the flow path allowed for rapid fire spread that quickly overtook the attic.  A full first alarm was ordered back to the scene.  Within a few minutes the attic became fully involved prompting a defensive attack and exposure protection.  I arrived back at the scene just as the tower ladders opened up.  You can still see a little glow toward the rear.


Engine 61 supplying one of the two tower ladders in operation.



South Metro Tower 35 & Cunningham Engine 62 work the attic







Roof pretty well gone from the middle of the house back


The steam / mist quickly froze to my lens filter in the 12 degree weather.



Working the 2 1/2


Last ones...




pretty rare to see 2 sutphen towers working at the same fire...nice

Quote:pretty rare to see 2 sutphen towers working at the same fire...nice

I only get to see it once every few years around here. What's interesting is the smaller tower is called "Engine 62." Cunningham considers it an engine with aerial capability so that ladder doesn't fly very often.
Quote:pretty rare to see 2 sutphen towers working at the same fire...nice
Come to Georgia, you'll see it VERY often.


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