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Hazard Reduction Burn, Advancetown (QLD) 8-17-13
Back in August we assisted at a hazard reduction burn over several properties with approx 10 appliances from 5-6 brigades. I was one of the sector bosses working with 4-5 trucks. The western edge we had a 330m hoselay down very steep terrain. Thankfully the owners had organised breaks before the planned burn

the full set is set here: [url=

[Image: 9541980559_def756e540_b.jpg]

2013-08-17 13.35.05-2-imp by coghilla, on Flickr
[Image: 9544777884_9c75778908_b.jpg]
2013-08-17 10.09.11-imp by coghilla, on Flickr
[Image: 9541991153_918582e08b_b.jpg]
2013-08-17 10.07.10-2-imp by coghilla, on Flickr
[Image: 9544774368_eca2b12f5b_b.jpg]
2013-08-17 10.37.11-imp by coghilla, on Flickr

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2013-08-17 15.33.42-2-imp by coghilla, on Flickr
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2013-08-17 15.43.28-imp by coghilla, on Flickr
[Image: 9541980123_c1ab40eca3_b.jpg]
2013-08-17 13.57.27-imp by coghilla, on Flickr

<div>[Image: 9541990727_844db7f556_b.jpg]
2013-08-17 10.07.16-imp by coghilla, on Flickr
Neat, except for the funny trucks Tongue some of these photos could have come from the hills in the San Francisco Bay Area (lots of eucalyptus).


Can't tell for sure but it looks like you use a similar hose set up to what many of us use in the US, 1 1/2" hose (38mm) with gated wyes and 1" laterals (25mm) every 100 feet (30m).

Aaron Woods
we mostly use 25mm & 38mm canvas perculating hose for our deliveries. It was my first time using the wyes. We had only recently purchased them and i had just finished reading the old water vs fire booklet i found on the wildfire today website. 

Water Vs. Fire, Fighting Forest Fires With Water, 1950, by CDF & USFS (3.9 Mb)


the booklet is over 60yrs old, but bang on on the techniques used. I tried to impress the book to many of the other members, not sure how many read it. Its not something we do a lot here but i was glad to have read the booklet and able to put into practice at least one practice. 


I recall the story you shared of the 3000' (i think) hoselay with the pumps and foldup tanks. More of these out of the box strategies should be taught here.


Our trucks, well dont go there....LOL

As for the hoselay we ran a 38mm line down the breakline, then a wye every 2nd length (60m, our hoses are 30m lengths). We had less wyes than hoped so we had to break the hose and reposition the wyes after an area was blacked out and presented no treat of escaping the breakline.


Off the wyes we ran the 25mm hose.

Nice set of photos.

Greg Muhr

<a class='bbc_url' href=''></a>
Quote:we mostly use 25mm & 38mm canvas perculating hose for our deliveries. It was my first time using the wyes. We had only recently purchased them and i had just finished reading the old water vs fire booklet i found on the wildfire today website. 

Water Vs. Fire, Fighting Forest Fires With Water, 1950, by CDF & USFS (3.9 Mb)


the booklet is over 60yrs old, but bang on on the techniques used. I tried to impress the book to many of the other members, not sure how many read it. Its not something we do a lot here but i was glad to have read the booklet and able to put into practice at least one practice. 


I recall the story you shared of the 3000' (i think) hoselay with the pumps and foldup tanks. More of these out of the box strategies should be taught here.


Our trucks, well dont go there....LOL

I know the book, it is one of those classics that applies as much today as when first written.


I would love to spend a little time riding around on the other side of the world to really get a feel for how you guys do stuff. I've had a chance to talk with a few firefighters from New Zealand and Australia who came up here to see how we do things. Seems like much is the same but also some big differences. 
Aaron Woods


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