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MS Paint Tutorial
Since we are getting more and more users wanting to draw and some posting that they are in need of help, so in return I'll post a tutorial for those in need of help.

I'll start with some of the basics before getting into the actual unit being sketched.

First: Choose a type of unit, whether it be an engine,tanker,tele-squrt,quint,ladder,tower ladder,rescue,ambulance,command/support vehicle and any other unit I have not written in.

Second: Choose a manufacturer of the vehicle; Spartan,Pierce,KME,E\-One,Sutphen,Freightliner,Ford,GMV,Chevrolet,International,Simon Duplex and any other manufacturer I did not list.

Third:Choose a cab style; Flat, Raised Roof; 2 door or 4 door.

Fourth:Choose a body style; pumper,rescue,aerial,support,ambulance.

Fifth:Now it's time to start

*Fifth step cont'd in next post with attachment*
Fifth Step (cont'd)

Let's start off with something basic, a pumper.

We'll begin with a blank Pierce Arrow XT Pumper which will in the end, look like a Baltimore City FD Engine.

You'll notice that the only warning lights that are included on this truck at the start are the LED moduel on the Roof which is a diamond plate cover for the AC System. And the second is the front LED module.

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Next we'll add the pump and a few more things to the truck.

We'll focus on the pump for a little bit..

1)When attaching the pump to the chassis, you'll see a small line seperating the pump outline and the cab outline, this would be the frame. Place the frame about 3 notches from the bottom of the cab so that the pump is symetrical.

2)You'll notice there are two crosslays, or as I call them Pre-Connects in the tray, you can color these to your liking.

3)Take the exhaust and place it about 3/4 way towards the front of the truck from the 2nd door on the driver side.

4)Take a shade of gray and go one notch under the piping, and about 3 or 4 notches up to the bottom of the cab, this will be the Exhaust Hanger

5)Now you'll place a Under-Cab Body Light under the step of each door in the center.

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Now that we have a good start, let's move onto step 6.

Sixth: The Body

Now there are hundreds, upon hundreds of different styles of unit bodies you can use, for this tutorial I'll be using a basic BCFD body.

First, the body is most likely going to look like, well, a Box. You can modify the body style to your liking, remember this is a drawing that YOU are making so make it what YOU want!

Second, you'll 3 gray what look like boxes, 2 of these 2 are optional with the two being internal SCBA storage and the smaller of the 3 boxes being the fuel fill.

Third, attach the body flush to the outside trim of the Pump Panel.

Attached below is the work so far.

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We'll stay focused on the body for a little now.

Seven: You'll first notice, "Hey! I dont have any brake lights, etc!" Well here's the time to add the module in. Take the Rear Light Module and place it 4 notches above the tailboard.

Eight: You'll want to add two more things on this Fourth attachment. The Step and a discharge.

Nine: Take the Diamond Plate Step 19 nothces above the top light of the Rear Light Module.

Ten: Take the Rear Discharge and place it 5 notches above the top light of the Rear Light Module.

Eleven: Place the END of the exhaust on the pipe

The below attachment shows the work currently at the 11th step.

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Alright now we have a basic look on the unit. It looks like a firetruck! Alright good work so far.

Twelfth: Let's add the compartment doors. Before going trigger happy with lights and fancy stuff. You can choose any style doors,again this is YOUR drawing! I've chosen to use hinged doors. Take the Forward Compt Door and center it between the bottom of the body and the top. Do this for all 3 (being there's only room for 3 on this particular body. This includes the Middle Compt Door & the Rear Compt Door

Attachment below is after completion of the Twelfth step.

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Alrighty. Now that we have the basics installed on the rig. We can start installing the fancy lights and sirens and accessories on it.

***I will ERASE the arrows and text from here on out that was previously shown to avoid more confusion & will use new text and arrows for the next steps.***

Thirteenth: Lets first, light this puppy up and accessorize! Now, you can use LED,Halogen Rotators, or Even strobe lights as the warning light package, again remember this is YOUR drawing! We'll start with the cab.

I'll be a true whacker and go LED <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/hysterical.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Hysterical' />

Fourteenth: Take a lightbar and place it 4 notches (counting from the edge of the lens of the light bar) from the Marker Light on the roof.

Fifteenth: Choose a Bumper LED and place it in the center of the Diamond Plate on the bumper.

Sixteenth: Choose a Cab Body LED and place it anywhere on the cab you feel it should be

Seventeenth: Do you want a Light Tower or no? This is optional.

Eighteenth (Added Accessories): Do you want this puppy to have some antennas? If so, place them anywhere you deem necessary. Do you want this puppy to be a TRUE firetruck? Go ahead and place a Federal Q2B siren on the bumper, flush on the grille, or in the bumper. (All of this is your at your option)

The attachment below shoes the work after the Eighteenth step.

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Alright. I have a class so I will continue this tutorial when I get back. I'm sure that if you have any questions, PM myself or another user. I'm pretty sure they along with myself, would be glad to assist.

*Note to other users, If you want to contribute to this please do! Id have no problem with it, it's all about TEAMWORK!*

Stay safe everyone and keep on drawing!

Well before I continue the unit, I'll post the accessories and equipment attachments. Should've done that first <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/doh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Doh' />


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And the equipment..

Credit KMohler and JGriffie

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Alright, time to continue...

Nineteenth: Looks like the cab has enough lighting let's move onto the next step in lighting. Let's add a Body LED on the body. Place this in as close as center between the wheel well and the bottom of the hinged compt door.

Twentieth: Let's put a Rotator w/LED Combo on the frame of the hose bed on the rear of the body. Choose any color/style you like. Place it about 5 notches from the right to left and the bottom of the mounting bracket 3 notches below the top of the hosebed frame.

Twenty-First: Ok let's add one more rear light for extra safety. Take the Rear Body LED and place it on the rear of the body, at your desired height.

Alright looks like there's a good amount of warning lights on this puppy.

The attachment below shows the work at the Tewnty-First Step.

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Alright now that the rig is done with lighting and installation. Its time to color this baby!

You'll notice I placed a Kussmaul Autocharger,Deluge Gun and Suction Hose on the rig (All at your discretion)

This is where YOU, the artist come. Go town, make something creative. If you zoom in on the attachment I will post, you'll see that towards the cab, the shade of white and red get darker and darker. This process is called Shading. This is a rather intermedite process and anyone can do it. It just takes practice.

If I've completely forgotten something, Didnt go into detail enough about key points. PLEASE feel free to PM me. Im sure any other artist you see on here would also be happy to assist you in any way we can.

Stay safe everyone

The below attachment is the finished project

Fictonal Pierce Arrow XT Engine

Baltimore City Engine Co. # 1

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If there is no objection can a moderator pin/sticky this?
How about a little explanation on the lettering process. I am curious how you do the multi colored lettering. THANKS in advance!
[quote name='keepinitsafe' post='162036' date='Nov 9 2007, 17:27 ']How about a little explanation on the lettering process. I am curious how you do the multi colored lettering. THANKS in advance![/quote]

Do the lettering in 2 different colors. Place the bottom or back ground lettering first. Then click and drag the second color lettering on top of the first color and stagger it slightly for a shadow effect.


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