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Schenectady NY Fire Dept-Massive Fire 3/6/15
Schenectady fire dept was called to 100,102,104 Jay St. around 2:30am for a massive fire with people trapped.  Crews found heavy fire conditions were they arrived. A total of 40 family's are left homless, 7 people were taken to the hosptal,one was then flown to Westchester Burn Center, and another of the  injured jumped from the 5th floor to the street below and was said to have massive injurys. As of 7am this morning crews were still on scene fightting the fire and several M.A. depts were called in to help and to cover the city.  What made this hard to fight was the cold temps that were around 4 degrees with a windchill of -5.  Photo is from wten and the youtube link is from a bystander

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Long cold Night for those guys..
Oh yeah, they have been there all day long aswell,they left but were recalled back for a flareup. They cant send anyone in so its just setthe ladder up and keep spraying water. At last chk they have 1 person who is missing and they are not sure if hes still inside, there waitting to get the ok to enter and search.

Some more pics from 810WGY website.

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2 other pics from 810WGY website.

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As of this morning, They believe they now may have more than one person missing, after talking to families and tenets from the buildings. Due to the damage its looking more like they are goin to take it down bit by bit to search for any bodys....Its to unsafe to search.  50+ people lost everything and its been stated at a press conference ..."SMOKE ALARMS DIDN'T GO ither of the one was awaken by anything but other tenets screaming for them to get out.  No word on the burn victum or the man who jumped from the 5th floor,both are under guarded care. 


  The to taller buildings which is were most lived, both are owned by companys out of most buildings in this area,most are in poor conditions. Makes you wonder who you point the finger at for a tragety like this...espec. if its a fatal fire.

I've been reading on this fire and keeping up with photos and video . these type of fires might have been a bit more common forty plus yrs ago, but you just don't see many like this anymore. unbelievable fire . What a career job for those guys. Very interested to see what the investigation will bring in terms of possible cause as well as the alarm system being reportedly inoperable. Grt photos.
Good photos & video!



Today the ATF was on scene along with state fire,local fire,and police to take pics,record any evidence and a drone was also used today to try and get a closer look.  It is being treated as a crime scene due to the 2 critical in the hospital,and as of right now atleast 3 people are missing and believed to be still inside the building. Plans are under way to get the building ready to be taken down bit by bit.  Police investigators were at the shelter for the second day, interviewing those who lived in the buildings. Those at the shelter are sticking to their story, saying the fire alarms did not go off. Some have even said that soeof the fire exit doors did not open at all and had to fight there way out throuh other ways. One man was forced out a window in the rear on the 4th floor and had to use (power) cables to swing over to the fire escape.    I'll keep you guys posted, Im gonna try and get a link to the audio aswell
#10     heres bref autio
<sub>That's a sad deal.</sub>

Jason Knecht
Fire Inspector
Township Fire Dept., Inc.
Eau Claire, WI
I have a new update, Cadaver dogs will be brought in on Tuesday crews  will start the search inside the buildings for anyone who may still be unaccounted for as well as start there handson portion of the investigation. ATF is incharge of the operation asst.'ed by State Fire and local fire/police. They spent all day Monday getting the building ready and safe for entry.  As police continued to talk to people it was learned that people other than residence were in andout of the building,living in vacant apartments so the number of possible deaths if any at all is unclear. 

   WNYT channel 13 was able to talk to a Lt. with the police dept who stated that the building was equipt with a Fire Alarm System as well as a Fire Surpression System.......None of which went off or sounded as per the residence's of the buildings, and to make this more shocking....Thursday,15 hrs before the fire...the City Building Inspector  was there doing a chk of the building but there not telling anyone yet was found or reported during the inspection.  Makes you wonder what was found if anything and how ironic  less than 24hrs later people are trying to get out alive!



Photo: WNYT13

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As the investigation goes on to its 7th day, 2 bodys were found in the last 48hrs. One was in the 4th floor stairway,the otehr in a 5th floor apt.  As the photos show they are taking things slow making sure not to miss anything.  Local news media has asked(under the freedom law) for the documents from the day before the fire to get answers for what many want to know.....What did the building inspector find?   

 Photos are from local news staions and internet

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Thanks for the updates.
Quote:2 other pics from 810WGY website.


First....This is a tragic ending to a fire


Second....the photo on the right in this post is neat the way the ice just seems to stop and drop, like a frozen waterfall
I never really noticed till you said something, I figured it might hav been from one of the units parked there all night, with temps dipping below zero most of the trucks were covered in ice so I looked around to see what unit was parked there and heres Eng 4 with the ice waterfall off the front bumper

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More bad news today but  some good aswell..........2 more bodys have been found as ATF,FD,PD continue to search for a cause but when a shop owner was allowed to enter his building next door he found a very friendly and scared dog that belonged to one of the displaced residences, I believe the dog was taken to a local vet but has since been reunited with its owner.....Atleast he picked the resturant to hid out...had enough food



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