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Willimantic 3rd alarm church fire. 05-16-13
<p style="margin-left:80px;"><i><b>Around

18:30 Willimantic (Ct) fire was dispatched to St. Marys Church for smoke

coming from the building. First due found heavy smoke coming from the

building, In a short time a 3rd alarm was requested. Crews made entry

with a 2.5 line to attack the fire, as 4 towers and a ladder set up. After a

while the conditions deteriorated and command evacuated the building and

went defensive with master streams. The fire ran the roof line for

several hrs, the master streams held it in check. After several hrs,

crews were allowed to re-enter the building and to work the hot spot.

Local and State Fire Marshals are investigating.</b></i>

<p style="margin-left:80px;"><i>Full set will be posted @ in a few days</i>.

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<p style="margin-left:80px;">[Image: RDL_0560.JPG]

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[Image: RDL_0791-001.JPG]


[Image: RDL_0812.JPG]


Last photo, this is a poor photo of the slate in the yard after getting blown off the roof by a tower.

One last photo.

I found this interesting, This fire as of now has not been deemed

arson. But the poster and the fire made me feel like i was in Detroit for a few

minutes .



Sorry about the water marks, but a lot of photos in my area

have been taken and used by others for profit Very little of my work will ever

hit the web without something on it.



Attached Files Image(s)
great work Rob.  hope they can salvage that lovely building.  good to see Andover's tower 115 (formerly Glastonbury L-15) still seeing some good action.


in the last pic, is that lighting or fire in the church towers??

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 (KJV)
awesome job Rob

OUTSTANDING shots Rob. I agree on the watermarks 100%. 

Ken LaBelle

Capt Town of Lincoln Fire/Rescue 4
The power was still on 5 hrs into the fire. Eventually they made entry to

the basement to shut it down. I think they decided to leave it active for the The city was having a block party just down the road. I think if

they would have shut down the block, the party would of been shut down. They

had a rep from the utilities on scene if needed.


Thanks I had a bunch of bad photos...? Thinking the lazy smoke was messing

with the focus points......


Tower 115 worked its "bucket" off I love truck companies with balls. All 5 did this day. 115 cut a 4' fence drove under/through some trees to get in that location. They moved several times in the small space to get to several locations that NEEDed to be worked. Them and Scottland covered the main fire area. Willimantics tower took a section of fence and took the left hand side lawn. Scottland was in a upper parking lot, UCONN and Willimantics spair ladder had the right side (paved road and lot). with out the too lawn actions and if they played it safe anddid not go off road the church "may" (most likely)have been lost.


Great shots, Agree 100% with the water marks..



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