from Ferrara's site, new ladder 137 and Rescue 4 and 5 delivered...
I see there are some differances of lettering between Rescue 4 & 5... Will they be changed to match so all 5 are the same or will they stay as Each Company might want?
I see there are some differances of lettering between Rescue 4 & 5... Will they be changed to match so all 5 are the same or will they stay as Each Company might want?
The Mack/Sauls were lettered the way the company wanted, then back to all the same w/ the HME's and E-Ones.....perhaps they let them waht they wanted again ? (Know the lettering changed a bunch of times on Ferrara site thus far)
Looking good! I see that they changed the font on 137's back to the more traditional style.
Anyone know the reason for the Alcoa's on the rescues but not the ladder?
Taylor I think you and I have been on the same page the whole length of this. First the Rescues had red steel wheels, and now they all have aluminum wheels. I did notice the font changed back, and that there is a difference between the "FDNY" on the fronts of the Rescues. Odd, I wonder why Ferrara wasted the decals in the last font anyhow?