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8/16/2011 House Explosion, Heavy Fire, Reported People Trapped
Excellent photos!
great shots of some very heavy fire conditions
Amazing shots!
Awesome Pictures!!!!
Stephen McDaniels


Mocanaqua Fire Company Station 118

Luzerne County Pennsylvania
Yeh I agree....I hate to second guess anyone, but what WERE they doing on that porch? And why the 1.75".......If I were the engine company officer and I was even going to THINK about entering that, it would have been with a deuce and a half (preferably with a smoothbore.)
[quote name='NJMedic' timestamp='1313698724' post='453527']

I was thinking the same thing but didn't want to start a tactics war. I hope they asked themselves "What are we doing here?" The IC should have pulled them out of there. The risk:benefit ratio is way off.


I wasn't trying to mmqb this either, and I know there was a report of people trapped, but wow, with knowing the fire was caused by an explosion and the house in such bad shape structurally, I just can't image being so close, especially with that small of a line. I was just stunned by that photo and had to comment more than just saying how good the photos were. Didn't want to ruffle any feathers or critique the IC of the job without being there, but if you look at the fifth photo in the series, you can see the guys on the line are dwarfed by flames and are basically holding the fire, which has already consumed about 98% of the home (which has mostly collapsed too) back from the porch they are standing on. Just glad all are okay!
Those pictures were taken before the first due Chief arrived on the scene. Once he arrived the announcement was made for a defensive mode. Used several lines from the outside to knock the bulk of the fire then used the Tower Ladder and small lines to mop up.

I can tell you from being on the scene that if I was riding the first in Engine I would have wagon piped it from the start. Not that the outcome would have been any different because everyone got out prior to FD arrival and it was a total loss prior to us getting there.
Awesome photos.
Adam Alberti

Lieutenant Passaic, NJ Fire Dept.

Past Chief Roxbury Twp, NJ Volunteer Fire Dept
[quote name='1958 F.W.D.' timestamp='1313805651' post='453669']

Yeh I agree....I hate to second guess anyone, but what WERE they doing on that porch? And why the 1.75".......If I were the engine company officer and I was even going to THINK about entering that, it would have been with a deuce and a half (preferably with a smoothbore.)


Need I point out the [url="§ion=boardrules"]POSTING GUIDELINES[/url]: is a site for the enjoyment of those interested in the fire service. It is designed as a "buff" site, and because of this, no discussion of fireground tactics is allowed. Please bring your tactical discussions to [url=""]Fire Review[/url]
Ed Burke
Firepics Administrator

Great series of photos! Impressive smoke and fire conditions! The sound must have been unbelievable!
Amazing captures, great work! It must have been pretty toasty even where you were standing.
[quote name='edburke' timestamp='1313860422' post='453715']

Need I point out the [url=""]POSTING GUIDELINES[/url]: is a site for the enjoyment of those interested in the fire service. It is designed as a "buff" site, and because of this, no discussion of fireground tactics is allowed. Please bring your tactical discussions to [url=""]Fire Review[/url]


Sorry Ed, my apologies, like I said, wasn't trying to mmqb or critique, should have just left the picture to say a 1,000 words.
Apparently someone reported my post to the boss. Do me a favor, next time someone has a problem with something I say, why not private message me instead of running to the teacher??

Thanks and be safe.
Unstable building as a result of explosion, heavy fire. Nice pictures. Pictures DO say a 1000 words.
[quote name='edburke' timestamp='1313860422' post='453715']

Need I point out the [url=""]POSTING GUIDELINES[/url]: is a site for the enjoyment of those interested in the fire service. It is designed as a "buff" site, and because of this, no discussion of fireground tactics is allowed. Please bring your tactical discussions to [url=""]Fire Review[/url]


Well said, we dont want this to turn into the watchdesk.
Great shots!
16-20-37-51-52-65-68-72-73-76-86-87-88-96-101-106-107 are verticals. Always try and shoot at least 1 vertical to every 3 shots you take. Trust me it gets easy. Very good pics as I said b4. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blah.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Blah' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/BananaMan.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='BananaMan' />
Excellent coverage of this job! Bravo!
Great images !


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