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Tour of New Jersey
and last one for today is Carltadt Rescue 705 a 2002 Spartan/Rescue 1 they came in as the fast team.

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Did Endeavor get out of the rescue squad business?
Jeffrey W. Shippey

Frederick County, MD
[quote name='jshippey' timestamp='1323805888' post='467130']

Did Endeavor get out of the rescue squad business?


I dont think so.
[quote name='anesti' timestamp='1323655696' post='466912']

Relief Utility a Freightliner


Ford chassis some were in the 650 + range

Hope it helps
John Fauble

I am interested in all of the equipment and apparatus used in fire fighting and ems service.
[quote name='anesti' timestamp='1323655696' post='466912']

Relief Utility a Freightliner


This rig is on a Ford F-700 Chassis. It was the bigger then the pick-up but not the C8000 or L9000 as used on more of the Heavy Over the Road truck lines. This was the "box Truck" chassis by Ford... maybe Light Truck series.
New Brunswick's former 1980 Mack 1000/500 Pumper

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[quote name='engine98' timestamp='1324499385' post='468055']

New Brunswick's former 1980 Mack 1000/500 Pumper


I will check tomorrow and atlthough I haven't seen it on the road lately it might still be on the roster.
Hopefully as a reserve !!! LOL It would be interesting to see if it is still in service.
They still use this truck quite a bit. This isn't the only truck they have like this I believe.
TR2FD "The River City Express" Engine 71, Engine 31, and Rescue 2

Stay Alert-Stay Alive
Thanks for the info, Guess the city got their moneysworth with that engine. Do they also still run this Grumman Pumper ?

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[quote name='engine98' timestamp='1324521418' post='468109']

Thanks for the info, Guess the city got their moneysworth with that engine. Do they also still run this Grumman Pumper ?


Those Grummans were well worn and made to the scrap yard about a year ago.

New Brunswick has three engines in reserve. Engine 11, Engine 12, and Engine 15. If the Mack is still in service it should be out at Engine 2, Engine 11 was/is a a 1977 Mack MB/Howe that was refrub'ed in the '90's by Lee's Emergency Equipment in Tuckerton, and Engine 15 which I think was one of the first Seagraves they bought in the late '90's/early 2000's.

I will tried to get the current fleet status tomorrow.
Thanks again for the info. These photos go back to around 1998 or so
Cherry Hill's former 1977 Hendrikson/Pierce/1999 Department Conversion 1000gpm Salvage Unit

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Willingboro First Aid Squad's 1964 Caddy Ambulance with bodywork done by Hess & Elsenhardt (S&S) of Rossmoyne, Ohio

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[quote name='jshippey' timestamp='1323805888' post='467130']

Did Endeavor get out of the rescue squad business?


They are out of the heavy rescue end of the business, the ambulance service still is running strong (I see them on the way to/from the hospital in Mt. Holly almost every time I'm driving around). I stopped off at their station back in September and was told that they had sold the Pierce to Independent a few months prior and were just going to be doing EMS only. I wish that Independent would have kept part of the Pierce's paint in silver as it was a heck of a unique paint scheme.
[quote name='engine98' timestamp='1324499385' post='468055']

New Brunswick's former 1980 Mack 1000/500 Pumper


This engine is still operating as Engine 12 and running out of fire headquarters on Joyce Kilmer Avenue.
[quote name='NJMedic' timestamp='1324592998' post='468207']

This engine is still operating as Engine 12 and running out of fire headquarters on Joyce Kilmer Avenue.


Thanks for looking into that for me, I wonder how much more life she has left in her.
[quote name='engine98' timestamp='1324601516' post='468244']

Thanks for looking into that for me, I wonder how much more life she has left in her.


Believe me New Brunswick will squeeze every drop out of her. For a 31 year old engine it looks cosmetically good.

What is New Brunswick currently operating front line? I had read some where that they had ordered a new Seagrave engine but was not sure if that was correct.

Also, where did they get the Pierce tower from?

Thanks in advance for the info!

[quote name='engine98' timestamp='1323039615' post='466073']

West Trenton's 1988 Pemfab/Sanford Rescue Truck. Recently replaced


Does anyone know what happened to West Trenton's former Tac 333, 1979 Chevy/Hamerly?


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