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Prince William County VA
E514 taken at Sentara Hospital.



OWL likes their E-Ones.  E514B taken in front of FS 12.



E515 is one of two Pierce engines at Evergreen.  Engine 515 is staffed 24/7.



Tanker 515 is this large Kenworth.  K515 is staffed Mon-Fri by the career staff.



U515 is this Ford pick-up.  




Old ambulance and chief buggy out to pasture.



Engine 516B is rather large.  E516 is staffed 24/7, Buckhall is the second Hazmat station, responsible for the Hazmat Support unit.



HS516 is cross-staffed by the engine crew.  The Support unit is set up for spill operations, and to assist HM506s crew.



BC516 is this Chevy Suburban.






Old and new C516 buggy.





The battalion chief designations can get a little confusing.  During the daytime, BC501, BC502, BC503, and BC504 are staffed.


BC 501(daytime) covers: FS4, FS5, FS15, FS24, and FS25.

BC 502 (daytime only, unstaffed at night) covers: FS6, FS13, FS14, FS17, and FS18.

BC 503 (daytime only, unstaffed at night) covers: FS2, FS3, FS10, FS12, FS20, and FS23.

BC 504 (daytime only, unstaffed at night) covers: FS7, FS8, FS11, FS16.


Got that?


Things change at night and on weekends.


BC 505 covers Dale City stations 10, 13, 18, and 20.

BC 506 covers OWL stations 2, 12, 14.

BC 507 covers stations 3, 17, and 23.


The career battalion chief on BC501 becomes BC591 during volunteer hours, and a volunteer chief staffs BC501.


BC507 is this Ford Expedition.




BC505 is this Ford F-150.





This ex-FDNY tower is sitting behind FS18.  No other information.



Couple of old ambulances from station 20.





Maintenance truck from Dale City.




Utility 520 is this Ford pick-up.



E523 is one of the busiest engine companies in the County.  Staffed 24/7, similar E-Ones are found at stations 3 and 17.



Dubbed the "SS Dumfries", A523 is this large International.  M523 runs a similar unit.




Also at FS 23 is this Ford utility unit.



MCS 523 is the East end mass casualty support unit.  It is a level II unit, capable of treating 50 patients.  This unit used to be assigned to FS 20.




Medic, Engine, and Ambulance 523 in quarters.



E524 is this Pierce engine.  A similar PUC engine is assigned to E504.  E524 is one of two 24/7 career stations.



B524 is due for a new skid unit early next year.  Also rumors it could come back in a different color....




U524 is the station plow unit, and will become the tow vehicle for the new boat that is set to arrive to FS 24.  Former U504.



M524 is this International.  One of a handful of medic units in the county that are not the white/red Freightliners.




A524 is the back-up medic unit.  Taken at the Reagan Airport disaster drill, this unit has a single air-horn located on the officers side.  Both units are former Gainesville Volunteer Fire Department.



Any rumors on Dumfries gettting New Eone Pumpers?

Trey White


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