Brush Patrol 20 (Lytle Creek) this appears to be a 1999 Ford F-550 4dr 4X4/KME 180 gpm/300 gwt (Reading Body) according to the roster they had a 2006 Ford F-550 4dr 4X4/Rosenbauer 250 gpm/260 gwt/ 20A shop number 18316. This may be a reserve or they have had their Ford/Rosenbauer unit reassigned.
San Bernardino County Wonder Valley International Ferrara? E45
1992 International 4900 4X4/Ferrara 1000 gpm/750 gwt s/n BR-253 shop number 18382 assigned to Wonder Valley Station X-Engine 40 - X-Engine 16R - X Engine 322B currently Engine 45 (which used to be Engine 119)