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USA-Canada Trip 2013
As I'm now in early retirement, we did another trip to Canada and the US from August 20 to September 17.

At August 20 we took the Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt/Germany nonstop to Seattle. I had prebooked a small SUV by Budget from the Seattle Airport. As I went to the Budget counter at the airport, no small SUV was available, no medium SUV either. So they gave me a monster Ford Expedition for the rate of a small SUV. So far, so good, but the advantage of a large car to a small rate was taken by the gas, that this monster consumed.

The first 3 nights we had in Vancouver/BC, where we did some sightseeing. With the great help of Terry Yip I was able to go out for buffing at one afternoon. Here are the results (specs in US-gallons):

Engine 18 in Vancouver is this 2007 Spartan Gladiator (Smeal Sirius) with Smeal bodywork. It has a 2000 gpm-pump and carries 500 gallons of water, 50 gallons A foam, and a CAFS system.

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Quint 18 in Vancouver is a 1999 Spartan Gladiator with Anderson bodywork, 1750 gpm/200 water/ 40 foam, and a 75' Smeal ladder.

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HazMat 18 in Vancouver is this 2007 Spartan Diamond (Smeal Sirius) with bodywork from SVI. It is interesting to see a Smeal cab with a non-Smeal body.

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Engine 1 in Delta is a 2006 Spartan Gladiator with Smeal body, 2000 gpm/ 500 water/ 20A/30B foam.

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Tanker 5 in Delta operates this 1997 E\-One Cyclone, that is equipped with a 2000 gpm-pump, 2500 gallons of water and 30 gallons of foam.

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Tower 1 in Delta is this 2001 Spartan Gladiator with Smeal body, 2000 gpm/ 300 water/25 each A and B foam, and a 100' Smeal tower.

Smeal seems to dominate the Canadian apparatus market, specially with their aerials.

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Engine 3 in Richmond is this 2004 Spartan Gladiator with bodywork from Saulsbury. It has a large 2500 gpm-pump and carries 500 gallons water, 20 gallons A and 30 gallons B foam.

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Ladder 6 in Richmond is this 1997 Spartan Gladiator with Smeal body. 2000 gpm/300 water/ 75' Smeal ladder.

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The last for today is Rescue 1 from Richmond. It is a 2009 Spartan Gladiator with bodywork from SVI. It has a 2400 gpm-pump and carries 500 gallons of water, 30 gallons A and 50 gallons B foam.

2400 gpm sounds odd, but is the equivalent of 2000 Imperial Gallons.

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Good stuff Juergen.
Good photos!



Thanks for the nice comments.

From Vancouver we travelled to the Town of Whistler for another 3 nights. Here we did some activities and relaxing. Highlights include a Black Bear sighting and the "Ironman Canada", that took place at this weekend. So the town and area was full püacked with visitors and participants. The Whistler Fire Department was fully involved in the activities, so I got only one photo of opportunity.

Quint 1 is one of 2 unique 2010 Spartan Gladiator 4x4 with Smeal bodywork. It has a 2400 gpm-pump and carries 400 gallons of water, 25 gallons of foam, and a 75'ladder.

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From Whistler we went back to the coast and took the ferry to Nanaimo on Vancouver Island. From here we travelled to the small west coast town of Tofino and the beautiful Pacific Rim National Park. After two nights here we drove to the southern tip of Vancouver Island and the very nice City of Victoria for another 3 nights. Here we did the typical tourist things including a successful Whale-watching trip.

At one afternoon I went out for apparatus photography. I made a contact in advance with the Victoria Airport fire station. The weather was not very cooperative during the visit.

Red 4 is a 2012 Ford F 550 4x4 with Rosenbauer bodywork. It is equipped with a 250 gpm-pump and carries 250 gallons of water, 33 gallons of foam, and 500 # of dry chemicals.

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Red 5 is a 2011 Rosenbauer Panther 6x6. It has a 2000 gpm-pump and carries 3000 gallons of water, 400 gallons of foam, 500 # dry chemicals, and a 50' boom.

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Red 7 is a 2007 Rosenbauer Panther 6x6 with 1750 gpm/ 2750 water/ 330 foam.

Just after I finished the visit here, the sun came out. Oh well !

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On my way back to the City of Victoria, I stopped at the main station in Saanich. As I arrived, Engine 1 left the station for training. So only this unposed shot.

Engine 1 is a 2010 Spartan Gladiator/Smeal. It has a 1750 gpm-pump and carries 500 gallons of water and 50 gallons of foam.

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Ladder 1 in Saanich is this 2005 Spartan Gladiator with Smeal bodywork (what else?). It has a 2000 gpm-pump and carries 300 gallons of water, 30 gallons of foam, and a 100' midmount tower.

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Finally for Saanich, Rescue 1 is a 2009 Spartan Gladiator with SVI bodywork.

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Back in Victoria I visited all of the 3 stations. Great crews here.

Engine 2 is one of two 2006/2007 Spartan Gladiator with Rosenbauer bodywork. It has a 1500 gpm-pump and carries 700 gallons of water and 30 gallons each of A and B foam. Note the enclosed top-mount pump.

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Ladder 1 in Victoria is this compact 2010 Spartan Gladiator/Rosenbauer. It has a 1500 gpm-pump and a 200 gallon-tank and is equipped with a 102' Metz Raptor ladder.

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