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Chicago 2-11 Mayday 5700 Bl Newark 2/7/13
Took in what I thought was just going to be a small job in the 5700

block of Newark, basically around the corner from Engine 119's house.

This wound up to be a mayday and 2-11 alarm. A large bungalow under

renovation, with fire reported to be on multiple floors. Operations

were hampered by this fire occuring in the midst of an ice and snow

storm. Photos were near impossible to get, as the heavy snow ruined any

flash photos, and the ambient light was not quite enough to get a decent

shutter speed, so these photos are not anywhere near the usual quality I

get. At any rate I was safely across the street watching routine

operations when I heard some  hollering about someone fell into the

basement. The DDC declared a mayday and there was quite a bit of

commotion, but they had secured the injured guy very quickly. I found

out later that the stairway from the first to 2nd floor collapsed..maybe

due to the renovations taking place. I saw them remove 2 members from

the scene on boards with collars, and a couple of walking wounded. All

companies were ordered out of the building and a "par" was taken..a

regroup took place and the job was completed. I really couldn't

determine much from my vantage point..I'm curious

how this mayday went with all the new radios and channels...I think this

may have been the first emergency since all the new radio stuff was



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this was about the only usable flash shot

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right after the mayday declared

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they were reporting the member out of the building at this point

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2nd floor started to puff a little....

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I thought they were gonna lose at this point

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fogging out the smoke...

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too much snow, sleet and slush


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removal of 2nd member

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of course the snow let up after the action was over....

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here's the video...a little radio traffic too

Good photos!



I think these pics are good. I'd love to be able to take pics like this. I like photos where you pick up the snow etc, gives the pics a little something extra
Nice shots. I see nothing wrong with those photo's.

The new Radio system doesn't sound all that bad.. what do the guys think Steve?

Haven't really talked to any street level guys about them..just chiefs so far and of course they seem to like it.

I think these are good. No complaints here considering the weather we had that night.


I'm so glad to know the guys were all ok; a 4-man mayday call is a scary thing to hear about.

American Red Cross - DAT Captain
Member 4-2-4 - 5-11 Club of Chicago

Great photos!

Shots are great.  You get an A just for going out in the snow.

"Photos were near impossible to get, as the heavy snow ruined any

flash photos, and the ambient light was not quite enough to get a decent

shutter speed,"


I figure it's better to have a poor shot than no shot. Yours all look fine.


"fogging out the smoke".  We call it "Hydraulic ventilation"  Smile


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