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Make Pumps 8 - Hard Days Night Hotel, Liverpool, UK (14/02/13)
Hi Guys,


Sorry for the late posting with this one, I have recently upgraded computers and tried to get to grips with Windows 8.



14th February 2013 - I went home from work early as I had 'man flu', and actually stood at the bus stop on the opposite corner from where the fire happened - little did I know what was going to happen in a few hours!


The Hard Days Night Hotel is a Beatles-themed hotel in North John Street, Liverpool. It is situated Central Buildings, a Victorian five-storey building dating from 1884. It is extremely popular with tourists from around the world, particularly as it is literally yards away from the famous Cavern Club.

The fire broke out on a fifth floor penthouse suite which workmen had been operating in that same morning.

In the UK we have a thing called a Pre-Determined-Attendance (PDA) which is what our dispatch have previously decided should respond initially, in this case it was two pumps (engines).

Ultimately, a request was made for eight pumps, along with a aerial platform, Incident Management Unit (Forward Command) and a BA Support Unit (it recharges SCBA sets).


The main body of fire was knocked down pretty quickly, however extensive overhauling operations were required due to the difficult access and hidden roof voids. This required a large number of BA wearers and the use of the aerial platform.


When I finally returned it was pretty much all over except the overhauling, this was my first picture.





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The smoke conditions were still worthy of a few pictures.



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I like this shot, in the background is our famous Radio City Tower, it is the tallest structure in Liverpool at around 350ft high, it was once a revolving restaurant, but is now home to our local radio station.



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BA wearers up on the fifth floor balcony.

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Monitor in use (or heavy stream) from the cage of the aerial platform before they used a smaller, booster reel to keep water damage to a minimum.



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The cage is lowered so they can swap the booster reel.

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This is a Rescue Pump (engine co) and was first due - it is from Liverpool City Fire Station and is a 2004 Scania P94D with TVAC bodywork.



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Five pumps lined up at the firescene, including our unique pink pump which is used for Cancer awareness - its the only operational pink fire engine in the UK.



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The Incident Management Unit (forward command) which responds on all working fires across the brigade. Our previous Chief Officer thought it was a good idea that our corporate colours should be blue and gold, therefore all support vehicles were painted in this ridiculous colour. Thankfully our new Chief is a traditionalist but we cant justify repainting vehicles into red just yet.



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The Breathing Apparatus Support Unit is a demountable pod that is transported to an incident by a Prime Mover.



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Personnel working on their SCBA who have just been inside the building.



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Another pump at the rear of the building.



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How about this, our Fire Investigation Officer has his own vehicle which is fitted with covert lights and sirens. It is literally only weeks old.



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Last one, I had a play around with some black and whites and contrast on my photo editor, sort of came out nice.


Thanks for looking.



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nice work

Great photos

Greg Muhr

<a class='bbc_url' href=''></a>
Awesome... love to see the stuff from over the pond.
Great stuff. I agree with BFD190, I love to see how you guys operate. Neat history in the area and looks like the UK has their stuff together. Thanks for sharing.
Andy - great shots! How far is this scene from the Liverpool Cathedral? I assume the aerial platform is a Bronto...correct?

Thanks for sharing...

very interesting stuff..thanks for sharing Fireman



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