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Texas Emergency Medical Servies
College Station, Tx

Texas A&M EMS

Ambulance 7055

2012 Dodge 3500/Frazer

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Austin, Tx
Williamson County EMS
Medic 22
2012 Ford F-450/Wheeled Coach

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Taylor, Tx
Williamson County EMS
Medic 41
2012 Ford F-450/Wheeled Coach

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Austin-Travis County EMS
Medic 19
2011 Ford F-450/Wheeled Coach

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Austin-Travis County EMS
Medic 27
2011 Ford F-450/Wheeled Coach

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Austin-Travis County EMS
Medic 19
2011 Ford F-450/Wheeled Coach

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Does anyone happen to have an interior shot of the cab of those Austin-Travis County units? Was curious if they customized the extended cab part to fit their needs or what that space is for. Our 3500 HDs have next to none and looking at some options. I see where they have since received some Dodges. Thanks! & Great shots to all above! Drew

Drew James
GA Paramedic
We use the back seats for our PPE kits. The only modification is removing one of the back seats. We are no longer buying fords, due to significant reliability issues. We have several units I can think of that are on their second or third motor.
Robertson County, Tx
Medic 2
Dodge Ram 4500/Frazer

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Thanks for the information! Hopefully the Dodges will serve y'all well. Always been an impressive looking fleet there.

Drew James
GA Paramedic
I just left the Frazer plant Tuesday picking up our two trucks. I'll post pics when the graphics are done. Mr John and his wife are great people. I did see a lot of San Antonio trucks.
Austin-Travis County EMS
Reserve Medic
2010 International/Wheeled Coach

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Austin-Travis County EMS
Medic 27
2012 Ford F-450/Wheeled Coach

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Austin-Travis County EMS
District Command 7
2011 Ford F-350/Frazer
Ex-District Command 6

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Austin-Travis County EMS
Medic 27
2012 Ford F-450/Wheeled Coach

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Austin-Travis County EMS
Medic 34
2013 Dodge Ram 4500/Wheeled Coach
Ex-Medic 15

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College Station, Tx
Texas A&M EMS
Ambulance 2206
Chevrolet 3500/Frazer

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Austin-Travis County EMS
Medic 19
2013 Dodge Ram 4500/Wheeled Coach

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Austin/Travis County EMS
Medic 13
2014 Dodge 4500/Wheeled Coach

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Round Rock, Tx
Williamson County EMS
Medic 11
2016 Ford F-450/Wheeled Coach

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