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Firepics Monthly?
After looking at some publishing options, I am considering releasing a monthly e-zine of Firepics content to supplement the budget of the website and to be used to recruit new members.  It would be free to all members through a pdf download on the site and available for 99 cents as a Kindle Single.  


Of course, this would constitute a modification of the user agreement/posting guidelines.  I would ask for releases from those whose images/content I wished to use, and compensation would be disbursed after the month's run of the e-zine.  Initially, there would be a diversion into the Firepics operating fund-probably 50% with the remaining 50% distributed equally among the contributors. In example, if there is a $100 profit, $50 would go to paying the webhosting, domain licensing, software licensing and legal representation, while each contributor would receive $5.  At a $1000 profit, those numbers increase to $50 per person. The payments would be made upon receipt of payment from Kindle for the month that the images/article appeared. Any sales of the e-zine after disbursement has been made (back-issue sales) would not receive a disbursement. These numbers have the potential to be significantly more than any of the print magazines are offering.  As time goes on, I would like to attract advertisers, which would allow for 100% of the residuals to be divided among the contributors. Free membership extensions would also be given to contributors. (still trying to figure out something for Lifetime Members)


Obviously, this will not work without the support of the membership, so I'm throwing it out for discussion.  I'm not married to the idea, so do not feel that you are insulting me if you are not in favor. 

Ed Burke
Firepics Administrator

Sounds good to me Ed.

My personal opinion, and MINE ONLY, not that my pictures are of the quality that would probably make it in it, but I don't do it for the money, I do it for fun, so I say keep the money on my behalf should anything like that come up, and use it for the site. If that's no good, then like you said, use it toward renewing my membership whenever that expires. I know some people do it for the money, but I just enjoy taking photographs when the opportunity presents itself, so I'd never be worried about that.



Travis- Mill Twp. Fire Dept. Marion, IN.
Thanks guys, I had hoped for a little more input, but I guess I'll move forward with a January edition and point people in this direction if I want to use their postings.

Ed Burke
Firepics Administrator

Ed: I like your concept and idea and if a number of folks would consider submitting images of new, rebuilt or unique rigs with more than the normal 3/4 roster shot and provide images of the compartment layouts, hose loads. etc with descriptions I think this would be well accepted and different than what you would see in other mediums.


Just my thoughts,


Tom Shand

Winchester, Virginia

Quote:Ed: I like your concept and idea and if a number of folks would consider submitting images of new, rebuilt or unique rigs with more than the normal 3/4 roster shot and provide images of the compartment layouts, hose loads. etc with descriptions I think this would be well accepted and different than what you would see in other mediums.


Just my thoughts,


Tom Shand

Winchester, Virginia

I would absolutely kill to have a hosebed shot of every 3/4 posed rig on this site.
Sounds good to me.

Greg Muhr

<a class='bbc_url' href=''></a>
Sounds like a good idea to me. You are already considering the possibility that some might not want to participate, so I really don't see a downside to this idea.
Aaron Woods
Sounds good. My only concern is that people would be able to download the photos. I have no experience with e zines but I'm willing to learn and provide any help you may need.

Visit my website Buffalo, NY Fire Photos
Visit my Zazzle store 

Go for it Ed



[color="#ff0000"][size="4"]Get In, Sit Down, Hold On and Shut Up[/size][/color]
I am with Trav, you are welcome to use any image I have posted free of charge for your E-zine/Kindle subscription...I will never turn down money but don't feel that you have to give me a cut if you are running short or the rewards don't cover the monthly hosting fee!

Do you need more to cover operating expenses of the site?  PM me and maybe I can toss something to you.  I honestly put Firepics on my top five visited sites, so I'd pay more to keep it afloat.


Wish I had the time to get out and take photos, but work, school and family don't allow it.  I don't contribute content really,so some support wouldn't be out of line...

It's not so much a lack of funds as it is a desire to expand the membership.  The site has the potential to blow anything in print out of the water, but it's getting people in here that's the hard part.  Needless to say, I am looking for a business model, as there is no question the site is a business with the amount of time and money I have invested, but I'm not going to take anything extra from anyone, and I'm not going up on prices.  Truth be told, I'd like to go back to the $2 per year at some point if I can get sufficient outside funding, or an increase in the membership to offset it.


Perhaps a free month advertised on FB/Twitter?

Ed Burke
Firepics Administrator

I like the idea Ed.  I would be only too happy to have any of my images used.

Not to be rude but i am going to wait until the class action thing on another site that you put forward is done.Nothing against you Ed or anyone on this site either just want to see how it plays out.

Uniden is most likely going to release the products prior to court action being necessary and in accordance with the demand letter.

Ed Burke
Firepics Administrator

Quote:It's not so much a lack of funds as it is a desire to expand the membership.  The site has the potential to blow anything in print out of the water, but it's getting people in here that's the hard part.  Needless to say, I am looking for a business model, as there is no question the site is a business with the amount of time and money I have invested, but I'm not going to take anything extra from anyone, and I'm not going up on prices.  Truth be told, I'd like to go back to the $2 per year at some point if I can get sufficient outside funding, or an increase in the membership to offset it.


Perhaps a free month advertised on FB/Twitter?

First of all like a couple of others have said if you want to use any of my stuff you are more than welcome to I like a couple of others have said I have such heavy work and family commitments that I don't get out as much as I would like. I also have a small Facebook Group that I plug firepics as much as I can.



Quote:Uniden is most likely going to release the products prior to court action being necessary and in accordance with the demand letter.


What is this about?????
Quote:What is this about?????

I stepped up and created a website for disgruntled Uniden Bearcat BCD436HP and BCD536HP owners who were upset over missing features that were advertised as being in the product. It was designed to be for a class action lawsuit, but it appears that Uniden is responding to the demand letter.  It's a very log story that is much better explained there.
Ed Burke
Firepics Administrator


I stepped up and created a website for disgruntled Uniden Bearcat BCD436HP and BCD536HP owners who were upset over missing features that were advertised as being in the product. It was designed to be for a class action lawsuit, but it appears that Uniden is responding to the demand letter.  It's a very log story that is much better explained there.
Ahhh thank you Ed I wish I would have seen this BEFORE I went out and bought mine
I'm in, sounds like a great idea!

Eli Gill - [url="http://10-75.Net"]10-75.Net[/url]


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