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I'm obviously not keeping sequence, but this will be my last for now;


Alexandria, IN. Tanker 509

2014 Peterbilt 348/2015 UST



This replaces a 2000 Freightliner/S&S

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Travis- Mill Twp. Fire Dept. Marion, IN.
Ossian, IN. Rescue 608

1991 International 4900/Mobile Medical


This truck previously ran as Bluffton, IN. Rescue 1, and while I'm not entirely sure how the system works, I know it ran as one of multiple county wide rescues, it is now sitting out behind the station, listed online for sale through Firetrucks Unlimited for $10,000.

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Travis- Mill Twp. Fire Dept. Marion, IN.
Quote:Ossian, IN. Rescue 608

1991 International 4900/Mobile Medical


This truck previously ran as Bluffton, IN. Rescue 1, and while I'm not entirely sure how the system works, I know it ran as one of multiple county wide rescues, it is now sitting out behind the station, listed online for sale through Firetrucks Unlimited for $10,000.
This truck used to be Bluffton Rescue 1. When Bluffton got a new Rescue it was given to Ossian fire as a water rescue rig. Ossian replaced this truck with a new 2015 Chevy pick up truck. Wells County pays Bluffton, Ossian , And Liberty center as county wide rescue companies, each covers 1/3 of the county. Wells county purchases the rescue rigs as part of the contract with the departments. Liberty Center just got a new Sutphan rescue engine payed for by wells county that runs as their rescue. 
Quote:Liberty Center just got a new Sutphan rescue engine payed for by wells county that runs as their rescue. 

And it is gorgeous!
Travis- Mill Twp. Fire Dept. Marion, IN.
Weather is getting nicer so i shot a few this past weekend. 


First up is Angola, IN Rescue 2 2016 Chevy 3500. This truck is used by on duty staff for medic assist. 

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I haven't shot this department in awhile but finally got the next two trucks.


 Angola, IN Engine 2 2009 E\-One Typhoon 1500 - 1000 #134833 This engine was built in hopes Cleveland, OH would purchase more engines as an add on but it never happened. Angola got a good deal on it i hear. 

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The new tower replaced the Mack Baker former FDNY Aerial Scope.


Angola, IN Tower 9 2008 E\-One Cyclone 2 1500 - 500 #133919

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Today I got out again. Weather was overcast with some sunny times. 


First up Yorktown Fire. 


Yorktown, IN Engine 63 1996 IH - KME 1250-1000

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Yorktown, IN Engine 61 2006 Seagrave Condor 1500-750 #84099

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Yorktown, IN Ladder 64 2015 Smeal Sirus 2000-400 - 100' RMT #71992LM10449

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Yorktown, IN Rescue 68 2000 KME Excel 1500-500 #4517

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Yorktown, IN Tactical 69 2004 Ford F450 - Stahl 200-225-25 Foam

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Yorktown, IN Tanker 67 2000 GMC S&S 250-2100

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Yorktown, IN Tanker 66 1996 IH - KME 1000-3000 #2766

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Next Beech Grove


Beech Grove, IN Engine 56 2013 Pierce Impel 1500-500 #26303

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Beech Grove, IN Engine 57 2015 Smeal Sirius 1500-500 #S4547

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Last stop was Anderson Indiana Station 8


Anderson, IN Engine 8 2014 HME Aherns Fox 1250 - 1000 #22641 Ex. Demo

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Anderson, IN Ladder 8 2015 HME Aherns Fox 1500 - 300  104' RK RMT #22586 Ex. Demo


This replaced the Sutphan Imperial which was hated by crews.

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Quote:I haven't shot this department in awhile but finally got the next two trucks.


 Angola, IN Engine 2 2009 E-one Typhoon 1500 - 1000 #134833 This engine was built in hopes Cleveland, OH would purchase more engines as an add on but it never happened. Angola got a good deal on it i hear.
This is definitely one of the engines built for Cleveland. Cleveland ordered 3 of these engines with 500-gallon tanks in 2008. All three were built, but Cleveland cancelled the contract for two of the three engines due to budget constraints. The third engine is still in service at E1.
Crown Point F.D. (Lake Co.),  IN.

1996 HME/Saulsbury



Photo Mike Tenerelli

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