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Fictional Department History
In an effort to reinvigorate interest in the Line Art threads, I have been working on a fictional fire department's "history", as I could imagine it growing. The department is the Wellington Fire Department, based in the fictional Adanac County, somewhere in Canada. The "history" follows the growth from a small village volunteer department, to a small to mid size career department. Based loosely on the rapid growth of many cities in Canada, who have grown incredibly fast over the last 50 years, I hope to have captured in a realistic time frame, the development of the Wellington Fire Department.

Over a number of years I have copied and or modified many excellent original artworks from so many different and talented artists, as well as creating many of my own original works. Unfortunately, in my earlier days I neglected to capture some of the original artists names, and for this I sincerely apologize. I have been going through several older posts to try to determine some of the original artists where possible. Please advise if you see any of your original artwork so that I may add that information to my files, and provide proper credit where it is due. All fire stations are my original artwork with one exception that I modified from another website.

Wellington Fire Department is started in 1926 in the small Village of Wellington, where a small number of locals decide to form a volunteer fire department, after a serious fire in the village. The fire station is a small single bay station constructed at the east end of the village.

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Engine 1 is a 1926 Seagrave.

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Engine 1 posed in front of Fire Station 1

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In 1930, a second station is added at the other side of the village.

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Engine 2 is a 1930 Buffalo

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Engine 2 posed in front of Station 2

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With Canada entering World War 2 on Sept 10, 1939, it became difficult to acquire new vehicles. Due to the war effort, many industrial buildings were built in the village to support the military. With these new industries coming, the population starts to build up with several new developments. Many of the volunteer firefighters leave to join the war effort. A military training base is built just outside of the village limits, and is equipped with a small fire department of its own. 

The only vehicle purchased during the war is a vehicle for the fire chief, a 1940 Ford coupe.

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The end of the war brings challenges of dealing with an aging fleet, a growing village and a rapidly developing industrial zone. The military closes the training base and closes the fire department, leaving the village to provide service. In an effort to help out some of the soldiers returning from the war, the first 3 full time firefighters are hired, all returning soldiers. They are provided with a new Station 1 and a new truck.

New Station 1 replaces the old shed, and is built in 1945.

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A new Engine for station 1 is purchased, replacing the 1926 Seagrave, which is kept as a reserve. The numbering system for vehicles is maintained in order of acquisition. Engine 1 (FD No. 3) is a 1945 COE.

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The new Engine 1 posed in front of new station 1.

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Reserve Engine at the new station.

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1950 brings the introduction of a hose truck, also running from Station 1

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Hose Truck in front of Station 1

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The village acquires the surrounding rural areas and changes from a village to a Township, based on area and population served. Unprecedented growth is occurring in the new township. A new Ford pumper is purchased for station 2, in 1953, and is the first truck lettered for Wellington Township. The 1930 Buffalo becomes a spare. Credits to Deviantart for the original image of the Ford.

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Truck No. 5, running as Engine 2.

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Due to the growth in the township, Station 3 is built in 1954, and is staffed with 2 full time firefighters and volunteers, along with a new Engine and the 1930 Buffalo as a spare.

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Truck No. 6 runs as Engine 3 and is a 1954 Pirsch

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No. 6 posed in front of the new Station 3

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No. 2 running as the spare at Station 3.

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In an effort to provide better service to the large rural parts of the township, the first tanker is purchased in 1955. This Mack is assigned to Station 3.

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