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Keystone State Relics

ashley pa rescue hose co luzerne county still operates this 1966 gmc howe 450gpm 500gwt


hauto pa carbon county ran this ford f hahn now private owned
tom bretz a ffII,retired disabled ff/emt from Kingston PA F D,own 2 wardlafranceengs a 49,a66,member of iaff 840,six cnty fire asso,pa state firemen's assoc, pa pump primers,schuylkill historic fire soc(spaamfaa's newest chapter--black diamond),luzerne cnty fire/rescue,life mem of columbian fire co kingston,former app op at laflin,edwrdsvlle,forty fort all in pa
Next company is the Goodwill Fire Company of Enhaut. Company 42. This company is no longer in service, having merged with the Citizens Fire Company No. 1 of Oberlin to make the Swatara Township Volunteer Fire Company, Company 49.

Old Engine 42

1952 GMC, Civil Defense Pumper

Now in private hands.

[Image: OldEngine421952GMC.jpg]

Credit to the original photographer.
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
Old Engine 42

1982 C-Model Ford/FMC

This is a picture of the engine before it was refurbed.

[Image: OldEngine421982C-ModelFord-FMC3.jpg]

Picture by Joe Dooley.

Here is a picture of it after it was refurbed.

[Image: OldEngine421982C-ModelFord-FMC2.jpg]

Picture by Brian Glasmire.
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
Old Rescue 42

1975 Dodge/Swab

[Image: OldSquad421975Dodge-Swab.jpg]

Credit to the original photographer.
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
Old Boat 42

Now Boat 49

[Image: OldBoat42.jpg]

Credit to the original photographer.
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
Old Special Unit 42

1998 Chevrolet Suburban

Now Special Unit 49

[Image: OldSpecialUnit421998ChevroletSuburb.jpg]

Credit to the original photographer.
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
Last picture for today.

Old Rescue 42

1981 CF-Model Mack/Swab

2,000 GPM/300 GWT

Now Rescue 49

[Image: OldRescue421981CF-ModelMack-Swab2.jpg]

Credit to the original photographer.
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
Next is the Citizens Fire Company No. 1 of Oberlin. Company 43. This company is no longer in service, having merged with the Goodwill Fire Company of Enhaut to form the Swatara Township Volunteer Fire Company, Company 49.

Old Engine 43-1

1935 International

X-Oberlin Engine 43

Now Engine 49-1

[Image: OldEngine43-11935International2.jpg]

Picture by Carl "Pete" Moyer
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
Old Engine 43

1973 Hahn

[Image: OldEngine431973Hahn3.jpg]

Picture by Brian Glasmire.
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
Old Engine 43

1994 Emergency One

1,500 GPM/550 GWT

X-Oberlin Engine 43

Now Engine 49

[Image: OldEngine431994EmergencyOne3.jpg]

Picture by Tim Nissley.
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
Last picture for the day.

Old Swatara Township EMA Command Post

[Image: OldSwataraEMACommandPost.jpg]

Picture by Jcain.
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
Next is the Lawnton Fire Company. Company 44.

Old Engine 44

[Image: OldEngine44.jpg]

"Photographer Unknown"
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
Old Engine 44

Hard to tell if this is a GMC or a C-Model Ford

[Image: OldEngine441961.jpg]

"Photographer Unknown"
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
Old Engine 44

1970's CF-Model Mack

[Image: OldEngine441981CF-ModelMack2.jpg]

"Photographer Unknown"
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
Old Engine 44

1981 CF-Model Mack

X-FDNY Engine ?

This is a picture of it when it was first put in service, it still had some of the FDNY markings on it.

[Image: OldEngine441981CF-ModelMack3.jpg]

"Photographer Unknown"

Here is a picture of it after it was refurbed and repainted.

[Image: OldEngine441981CF-ModelMack4-1.jpg]

"Photographer Unknown"
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
Old Rescue 44

1977 Ford

[Image: OldRescue441977Ford1.jpg]

Picture by Carl "Pete" Moyer.
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
Old Rescue 44

1971 CF-Model Mack

X-Progress, Engine 32 & 32-1

[Image: OldRescue441971CF-ModelMack1.jpg]

Picture by Patrick R. Rudisill.
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
Last picture for the day.

Old Chief 44

1995 Jeep Cherokee

[Image: OldChief441995JeepCherokee.jpg]

"Photographer Unknown"
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
Next is the Reliance Hose Company of Rutherford. Company 45.

Old Ambulance 45-A

1987 Ford

[Image: OldAmbulance45-A1987Ford.jpg]

Picture by Carl "Pete" Moyer.
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
Old Ambulance 45-B

X-Liberty Fire Company of Middletown.

1979 Ford

[Image: OldAmbulance45-B1979Ford.jpg]

Picture by Carl "Pete" Moyer.
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian


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