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Sugar Land Texas recieved a new 75ft Pierce Dash. Should go inservice in a week or two.

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Jerremy Brown
Full time - Fulshear Simonton Tx FD
Part time - Champions ESD, Cypress Creek FD

Facebook - Jerremy Brown

"God made man, Samuel Colt made them equal."
Shot of the back

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Jerremy Brown
Full time - Fulshear Simonton Tx FD
Part time - Champions ESD, Cypress Creek FD

Facebook - Jerremy Brown

"God made man, Samuel Colt made them equal."
Looks good Jeremy. I look forward to stopping by and checking it out. I assume this was the creation of a certain E/O at 2's and a certain Lt. at 5's.
Larry Di Camillo

Fire Chief

Stafford Fire Department


Houston Fire Department

Ladder Co. 68 "A"
Yep, add 25ft, set of outriggers, couple of deluge guns, you'll have Community's Ladder. Its a sweet truck to drive, rides nice with the TAK-4 and rear airbags.

Just got a notice awhile ago that it might go inservice July 3.

Another angle

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Jerremy Brown
Full time - Fulshear Simonton Tx FD
Part time - Champions ESD, Cypress Creek FD

Facebook - Jerremy Brown

"God made man, Samuel Colt made them equal."
I don't understand why they didn't spec the larger aerial to compliment L04 by getting another 105'. You have the overall chassis length, why not? And no foam huh? I am going to quit asking questions. Ha ha.
Larry Di Camillo

Fire Chief

Stafford Fire Department


Houston Fire Department

Ladder Co. 68 "A"
I thought it was a mistake also. Sugar Land is not growing out, its goin up. Two more buildings in Town Center alone. We'll see what happens with the dedicated ladder/tower rumor.
Jerremy Brown
Full time - Fulshear Simonton Tx FD
Part time - Champions ESD, Cypress Creek FD

Facebook - Jerremy Brown

"God made man, Samuel Colt made them equal."
Very nice unit for Sugarland. I like the "full" raised cab and the full size LED bar. Great looking truck!!
I am not fond of the full height cab. Sugar Land has ares of low trees on some of the subdivisions. I forsee lights gettin some damage. The truck that is replacing is a 97 Pierce Lance with 75ft Telesqurt. It had the folding rails and still had damage done to it. Here is a pic of the truck its replacing. This one will go into reserve status and remain there for a couple of years.

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Jerremy Brown
Full time - Fulshear Simonton Tx FD
Part time - Champions ESD, Cypress Creek FD

Facebook - Jerremy Brown

"God made man, Samuel Colt made them equal."
You got Ladder 4 Jeremy. It was a 105', then a 96', now a 105' again. Ha ha. Thats enough for the mall and Town Center. It is a good looking apparatus. Doug and the committee did good. I know one thing for sure. It will be more reliable than the Tele-Squrt.
Larry Di Camillo

Fire Chief

Stafford Fire Department


Houston Fire Department

Ladder Co. 68 "A"

1976 Ford/FACT Mini Pumper ex-Lometa, TX

Lindsay D

Richardson, TX

Quote:1976 Ford/FACT Mini Pumper ex-Lometa, TX

350/200, according to the owner.
GA Dave:

Thanks for the additional information.

Lindsay D

Richardson, TX


Macks now residing in Texas

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Lindsay D

Richardson, TX

Athens, Tx

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Athens, Tx

Engine 3551

Engine 3551



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Athens, Tx

Engine 3552

HME/Central States


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Athens, Tx

Haz-Mat 3591

1982 Ford C/Thibault

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1952 American LaFrance 700 Series Pumper 750/500

Ex Engine 4 Highland Park, TX

"Photo by Antique Fire Brigade"

Lindsay D

Richardson, TX


1947 Mack Attack

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R-1947 Mack LS-85 750/300; ex Bonham, TX

Lindsay D

Richardson, TX

Some shots of the recent North Texas Muster


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Winner Judges' Choice Award & Longest Distance Traveled Award (Albuquerque, NM to Dallas, TX)

"Photo by bbstkr"

Lindsay D

Richardson, TX



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