This unit was purchased used in 1984, after their only ambulance, a 1984 Horton Type I was totaled in an accident. This unit was supposed to be temporary, however after a new Braun was purchased in 1986, it was decided to keep this unit as a second bus. It was very loud in the cab, with the siren speaker in the lightbar.
that rig is actually a lifeline cct unit. i was in atlanta for the unveiling of that rig and have pruduction photos too. they buy all their new rigs from lifeline emergency vehicles and the older trucks from road rescue are remounted at lifeline too.
three german red cross ambulances, left the predecessor of version "bavaria 2004", in the middle a emt-unit and the right is the predecessor version of the left one (our old one)
if you´re intersted I can post pictures of the inside of the units