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Keystone State Relics
Thanks, I can't wait to see them.

You want just from those areas or all the shots from the trip?? That was where we spent most of the time. I didn't venture into the city itself for rigs and also made it to the Conway area for train photos. Although the weather as we were told was about the worst in a while (hot & sticky not hot & dry like here in Az), still had a great time.


[quote name='apollo75' post='232443' date='Jul 24 2008, 19:02 ']Wow

You were certianly in the lower south hills. I will try and scan to post pictures of Bridgevilles older ladder an ALF mid mount as well as Rennerdales older engine. Please post the picture you were able to get.

Apollo 75[/quote]
Rich Dean, Butler, New Jersey, USA

Member of Kinney Hose Co. 1, Butler Fire Dept. since 1973, Fire Police Officer since 2000

Dispatcher at Butler Police Communications from March 1975 to July 2009

Secretary of North Jersey Volunteer Firemen's Association since 1980

Member of Tri-Boro First Aid Squad (volunteer ems) since 2000 as a driver

Member of many Yahoogroups, owner of some such as:

[post="0"]FirematicEvents Yahoogroup[/post]the place to for listing and discussion of any event by a public safety organization.

[post="0"]RailfanEvents Yahoogroup[/post]

[post="0"]Railpics Yahoogroup[/post]

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York Springs, PA (Adams County)

1958 Mack C 750/500

I photographed this August 1986. York Springs purchased it used during 1974, but I don't know where

it originally served, anyone know?

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[quote name='PFDEng1' post='232673' date='Jul 25 2008, 21:15 ']York Springs, PA (Adams County)

1958 Mack C 750/500

I photographed this August 1986. York Springs purchased it used during 1974, but I don't know where

it originally served, anyone know?[/quote]

1959 C85F-1087 Willow Grove, Pennsylvania PA 750/500 Mack C Sold:York Springs, PA

[quote name='' post='232682' date='Jul 25 2008, 21:22 ']1959 C85F-1087 Willow Grove, Pennsylvania PA 750/500 Mack C Sold:York Springs, PA


Mike, Thank You!

I Knew you would come up with the answer.

Here are 3 older rigs I shot earlier this week. Sorry for the poor lighting for these 2, but as always timing is everything. When I got to the South Fayette station in Cuddy, the sky was pretty good, but when it came time for their 2 antique's it became overcast plus many volunteers started to show up with their vehicles parked everywhere to set up for bingo for the next 2 nights and this was my only chance to shoot their 4 rigs. Hopefully next time I am there, I will get better shots.

image 1) Antique No.2 "Yellow Jacket" a 1955 Ahrens Fox 750/500 serial #??

image 2) Antique No.1 a 1937 Ahrens Fox. No other info was available including the serial # from anyone there. If anyone knows, please pass it on so I can put it in my notes.

Not sure why I couldn't get Eng 1 to appear 1st.


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The other older rig I was able to shoot was Green Tree's 1972 Mack CF-600 1500-750 serial #CF685F-10. They will be replacing this rig maybe next year.

All the other stuff is very current so it may not be appropriate for this thread. Should I post them?


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Yes post them. Sorry i didnt see your post that you were coming to the PGH area until it was too late. I would have tried to get you a few more departments if you wanted. Nice shots so far


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