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Massachusetts Fire Apparatus
Malden, MA Engine 4

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Ed Burke
Firepics Administrator

[quote name='edburke' post='238956' date='Aug 16 2008, 16:08 ']Malden, MA Engine 4[/quote]

Anybody out there know if there are any plans to replace this truck....

looks sharp,but its getting old?
[quote name='car33' post='238967' date='Aug 16 2008, 17:45 ']Anybody out there know if there are any plans to replace this truck....

looks sharp,but its getting old?[/quote]

I was told that the replacement plans have been placed on hold. Possibly financial reasons.
Ed Burke
Firepics Administrator

I was going to post some scans but I went to post and they are larger than allowed. I am rushing out the door shortly for a camping trip so I dont have time to resize all of them---my apologies for the tease!! I'll see if I can get a few posted and the rest will have to wait.

1934 Maxim Chelmsford, MA

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1956 or 1957 (I think?) from Chelmsford, MA

Both Chelmsford shots by Tom Barrett

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1975 Maxim

Marblehead, MA

No photographer name on slide

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West Springfield, MA

1967 Maxim

Hate the lime, but love the chrome yellow

No photographer name on slide

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1960's Chevy Forestry

Dunstable, MA

No photographer name on slide

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Since the scans were so blurry, I've had to CROP ALOT of the background out instead of resizing and making it even apologies...

Essex, MA

Continental Compac

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Essex, MA

1960's GMC with 75' Seagrave ladder

No photographer name on slide

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Dover, MA

1978 Mack - Continental tanker

Photo by Mark Hoeller, Hampton VA

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1933 Maxim

Monson, MA

Tom Barrett Slide

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1957 Maxim

Monson, MA

Tom Barrett Slide

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1960's Pirsch

Grafton, MA (former Worcester MA)

No photographer name on slide

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A little out of order..

Dover, MA

1950's Maxim aerial

Mark Hoeller photo

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Last one:

1974 Maxim

New Bedford, MA

Tom Barrett photo

[color="#FF0000"]NOTE: I compared the writing on the "No Name slides" and they match some from my personal collection from the Joe Klein collection. Please consider that the source."[/color]

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OK, one more...

I bought this photo the other day from Walter Curran. It is of a 1938-1939 Ford COE (presumed to be a Farrar built). I was really excited to see this photo, because my Dad used to own one of these. He really didn't know anything about the truck when he owned it other than it was a former MA Forest Fire truck. About 10 years ago, my Dad donated it to the State DEM or DCR (or whatever they are called now) for restoration. After donating it, we found out the story behind it and how unique it was. Forest Fire Warden Crowe bought 14 of these and distributed them through the Commonwealth in the 1930's. I don't think they have done any work on it to date. There was a nice photo story of the truck being pulled from his yard on the website [color="#FF8C00"][/color], but I just looked and couldn't find it.

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Boston Fire Dept. Ladder 16 in B&W, from the New England Chiefs Show.

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[quote name='Howie' post='239783' date='Aug 19 2008, 09:26 ']West Springfield, MA

1967 Maxim

Hate the lime, but love the chrome yellow

No photographer name on slide[/quote]

Howie, you sure that's a '67? Looks like the wider 70's F cab w/the larger jumpseat windows, etc.
Could be, I was just listing the info on the slide without really looking at 'em. Wanted to get them listed before I went camping.

They did own a 1967 (with Young bodywork) and a 1972. Other than the "indent" under the door it still looks like a late 60's. The "indent" was more typcial on the wider 1970's cabs, but it can get confusing.


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