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Medic 2 runs with this 2009 Dodge/Frazier.

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Here are some more photos I took with Ingo and his wife during their visit. I must also apologize for posting the 2 Frisco rigs but I didn't realize they were their until I had already posted them. Sorry lindsey. Anyhow, here are some pics of the Rockwall Fire Dept., a suburb city near Rowlett and on Lake Ray Hubbard. It has a population of 37,000 and 4 stations. They are a combination paid/volunteer dept. EMS is a separate service. First up is Engine 2, a 2007 ALF, 1500/750/CAFS.

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Brush 2 is a 2006 Ford/ALF, 250/500.

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Engine 1 is assigned this 1999 ALF/Ferrara, 1500/750.

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Ladder 1 is assigned this 2009 E\-One Cyclone II, 100ft/2000/500.

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Tanker 1 is assigned this 2004 Intern'l/Smith, 250/2500.

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[quote name='biotelbob' timestamp='1325513348' post='469597']

I must also apologize for posting the 2 Frisco rigs but I didn't realize they were their until I had already posted them. Sorry Lindsay.[/quote]


Don't worry about it. It is nice to see others' shots of apparatus.

Keep on posting.

Lindsay D

Richardson, TX

Lastly, our first photo of the long day was at Richardson station 3 in the early morning (clouds got in the way of the sun)- Eng. 3, a 2011 E\-One Cyclone II, 78ft/2000/500/30f.

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This past weekend, Ken Wible and I went on an all day jaunt in East Texas. The first dept we shot was the Hainesville Vol Fire Dept. They went to the trouble of washing the rigs for us prior to posing them for us, Many Thanks to Chief Cory Clanton and his staff. It was a pleasure meeting them and getting some really nice photos of some really neat rigs. First up is a retired Eng. 10 and For Sale if anyone is interested for $15,000. It is a 1984 Ford/Neel, 350/800.

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Next up is Eng. 11, a 1985 Ford/Wildfire (refurbed in 2006) 250/750.

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Here is a larger photo of E-11, sorry.

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Brush 12 is a 1999 Chevy/Wildfire (refurbed in 2008), 250/250.
Here is Brush 12.

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Eng. 15 is a 2007 Ford/Wildfire, 250/750.

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Squad 21, a 2007 Dodge is both a command and first responder vehicle

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Tanker 22 is a recently acquired 1987 Duplex /Grumman, 1500/3000 from Ocean County, New Jersey. It hasn't been lettered yet for Hainesville.

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Last for Hainesville is this unusual rig for Texas. It was acquired from Springlake, N.C. Eng. 22 is a 1994 Peterbilt/Custom Fire, 1500/1250 with fully enclosed pump panel.

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[quote name='biotelbob' timestamp='1325519384' post='469628']

Tanker 22 is a recently acquired 1987 Duplex /Grumman, 1500/3000 from Ocean County, New Jersey. It hasn't been lettered yet for Hainesville.


This is Ex-Mystic Islands NJ engine 7201.
TR2FD "The River City Express" Engine 71, Engine 31, and Rescue 2

Stay Alert-Stay Alive
[Image: 100_9108.jpg]

[Image: 100_88141.jpg]

2011 Spartan Force-Crimson 1500-1000 (Crimson # 211025-01) Engine 461 Wilmer, TX

This recently went into service and is Wilmer's first new apparatus since the 1994 Ford F-800/Boardman 1000-1000 (Model # F-11000-CII; Serial # F-2970) it is replacing.

Left Front View

Lindsay D

Richardson, TX

[Image: 100_9112.jpg]

2011 Spartan Force-Crimson 1500-1000 (Crimson # 211025-01) Engine 461 Wilmer, TX

Left Side View

Lindsay D

Richardson, TX



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