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This & That from Here & There
As many of you already know, I recently made a trip to the Pierce factory in Appleton, WI to do final inspection on my department's new pumper. Wanting to add to my collection of apparatus photos, I drove there instead of flying, taking pics at numerous stops along the way. The journey lasted from April 26th to May 6th and increased the odometer reading on my car by 2354 miles. I had the pleasure of meeting fellow 'pixer Rob from Redwood, Canada and spent some time with two previously met Firepics members, Trina and Bruce, from Hope, IN. The trip was a success, with a net gain of about 200 apparatus photographed.

Our new Engine 1 is a 2009 Arrow XT. Job Number 21703 is powered by a Series 60 Detroit Diesel rated at 455 horsepower and features a 1500 GPM Hale single stage pump. It has a 6 Kw. hydraulic/PTO generator, 200' cord reel, and five floodlights. The body has rescue-style compartments on both sides, topped off with an overhead ladder rack carrying 28' extension, 14' roof and 10' extension ladders. The tank holds 750 gallons of the wet stuff. There is storage for 8 spare SCBA cylinders and two O2 bottles. There are four 1.75", 200' preconnects above the pump, all with TFT 95-300 GPM nozzles. The deck gun is a TFT rated at 1250 GPM and raises up above the roofline when in use. The front bumper holds a 100' trash line and 300' of 1" forestry hose. The main hosebed will carry 1000' of 5", 650' of 3" wyed off into a pair of 1.75" handlines that are 150' long, also ending in TFT 95-300 GPM nozzles. Also in the hosebed is a 300' deadload of 3" with a R.A.M. (Rapid Attack Monitor), equipped with a 500 GPM TFT nozzle, and a compartment for two backboards. Engine 1 will respond as an ALS First Responder and has an EMS cabinet inside the cab. It will carry a full set of Hurst extrication tools, roof saw, Cutter's Edge saw, PPV, and a thermal imaging camera. It even has room for four Firefighters!

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The front end features an assortment of devices to arouse the eyes and ears. The lighting consists of a Code 3 lightbar, four LED's above the wig-wag headlights, two Mars lights and a Roto-Ray. The Grover Stuttertones and Q2B are backed up by a Powercall 6-Adam driving a pair of 100 watt speakers.

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The last pic for now, taken while we were doing our checkout of the lights and sirens.

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Just before taking this trip, I did some shooting in Georgia that I had posted some of already. Here are the rest of those rigs.

Engine 302, Ellerslie, GA

2008 Freightliner M2/Pierce Contender



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On the Pierce Web site it says College Pk, FL ?? OPPS
Rescue 307, Ellerslie, GA

2004 Ford F-550/Ten-8

125/300/5AF 4x4

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Quote:On the Pierce Web site it says College Pk, FL ?? OPPS

Likely because our dealer, Ten-8, is based in Florida. I've already taken steps to make the necessary corrections.
Engine 1, Waverly Hall, GA

2004 Kenworth T-300/Pierce Contender



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Squad 14, Waverly Hall, GA

2009 Ford F-550/Freedom Fire Equipment

250/300 4x4

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Engine 2, LaGrange, GA

2003 Freightliner FL-80/Crimson



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And now for the rigs from the trip:

Quint 8151, Zoneton, KY

2006 HME Ahrens-Fox

2000/500/109' RK


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Engine 8131, Zoneton, KY

2006 HME Silver Fox


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Engine 8132, Zoneton, KY

1996 Pierce Saber



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Engine 8032, Okolona FD, Louisville, KY

2001 Pierce Quantum



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Snorkel 8052, Okolona FD, Louisville, KY

1972 Oshkosh A/Pierce

1000/300/85' Pitman Snorkel


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Engine 8035, Okolona FD, Louisville, KY

1994 Pierce Dash



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Quint 8051, Okolona FD, Louisville, KY

2006 Pierce Quantum



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Squrt 8031, Okolona FD, Louisville, KY

1991 Pierce Arrow/1995 Pierce refurb

1500/500/54' Squrt


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Engine 8037, Okolona FD, Louisville, KY

1996 Pierce Dash



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Rescue 8084, Okolona FD, Louisville, KY

1999 International 4900/Hackney


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