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Keystone State Relics
thanks for the info
Allegheny County Airport at West Mifflin was shut down in 2002, only a few months after I photographed their apparatus. They had a brand new IHC/KME crash rig, and a chevy/doerr specialty unit. Not sure whatever happened to them.
i know at one time the west mifflin base had a gmc / KME pumper 2 man cab truck, and a small squad. i dont know if it got sold or went to the PIT Airport.
It was an IHC/KME. Neither of the units were moved to Pittsburgh International.
i have a picture of county airport fire truck yellow truck on a gmc chassis with a Pierce body numbered "engine 14" they also had a KME 100' ft tower, i dont know if they still had that or not.

You are mistaking the rigs at Pittsburgh International Airport for the rigs at the Allegheny County Airport. They both say Allegheny County on them, but are housed at two different airports. You are correct Engine 14 is a 1994 GMC/Pierce.
do they still have that engine. how many stations does the pit intl airport have, i only known of 1? do u have any new pics from western pa like mercer or beaver counties

Blairsville, Cambria Co. Rescue. GMC /Unknown
Ed Saliba Jr.

1st Assistant Chief

City of New Kensington Bureau of Fire
I.S.O. Class 4 Department

Castle Shannon Pierce Arrow. Taken at the PA State Convention in Latrobe, PA 1989
Ed Saliba Jr.

1st Assistant Chief

City of New Kensington Bureau of Fire
I.S.O. Class 4 Department

Circleville, Westmoreland Co. Station 8 Engine 8-1
Ed Saliba Jr.

1st Assistant Chief

City of New Kensington Bureau of Fire
I.S.O. Class 4 Department

Kittanning Hose Co. Armstrong Co. Mack MC/FMC
Ed Saliba Jr.

1st Assistant Chief

City of New Kensington Bureau of Fire
I.S.O. Class 4 Department

Masontown Duplex/? Rescue
Ed Saliba Jr.

1st Assistant Chief

City of New Kensington Bureau of Fire
I.S.O. Class 4 Department

Monessen Engine 1 Seagrave
Ed Saliba Jr.

1st Assistant Chief

City of New Kensington Bureau of Fire
I.S.O. Class 4 Department

Monroeville Engine 31 Spartan/Quality not to long after it was delivered. This was later repainted to the new Monroeville scheme to match other rigs. This was just replaced by a Spartan/Crimson
Ed Saliba Jr.

1st Assistant Chief

City of New Kensington Bureau of Fire
I.S.O. Class 4 Department

Neffsville LTI Tanker
Ed Saliba Jr.

1st Assistant Chief

City of New Kensington Bureau of Fire
I.S.O. Class 4 Department

New Bloomfield Hahn
Ed Saliba Jr.

1st Assistant Chief

City of New Kensington Bureau of Fire
I.S.O. Class 4 Department

Turtle Creek 1948 Ahrens Fox. This was later repainted to white. Still in Turtle Creek.
Ed Saliba Jr.

1st Assistant Chief

City of New Kensington Bureau of Fire
I.S.O. Class 4 Department

Union Hose Middletown, PA Mack CF
Ed Saliba Jr.

1st Assistant Chief

City of New Kensington Bureau of Fire
I.S.O. Class 4 Department

Wilkens Township Sutphen Tower Unknown year. This was replaced, whereabouts, unknown.
Ed Saliba Jr.

1st Assistant Chief

City of New Kensington Bureau of Fire
I.S.O. Class 4 Department

North Apollo Armstrong Co. 1987? Pierce Dash Purple Engine 2, when Rainbow Controll was in existence.
Ed Saliba Jr.

1st Assistant Chief

City of New Kensington Bureau of Fire
I.S.O. Class 4 Department


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