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Andrew Messer Photos
And rounding out the fleet from Woodbine Station #1 is this minipumper. Woodbine Station 2 contains a Ford F-800 engine they got used as well, but the firefighter didn't have time to take us down there unfortunately.

Woodbine, KY "Rescue 855"

1981 GMC 3500/Indiana Fire Apparatus


S/N # AM-1127 (First Indiana Fire Apparatus I've ever shot that has a serial number!)

X: ???

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

Woodbine bought this tanker from Artemus, KY for $1 this year. They're doing some engine repairs on it, then they plan to put it in service.

Artemus, KY "X Tanker 3" (Woodbine, KY "Tanker 85?")

1970's Chevrolet C-65/199? Bluegrass


Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

Oak Grove, KY "Engine 2"

1979 Chevrolet C-70/ALF


Reg. # 1-6396

X: ???

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

That about wraps up the past few weeks' excursions! Hopefully some of you have better info on these trucks than I do. As always, if you have pics of the trucks with their former homes, please post away! I'm going back out Saturday to see what else I can round up!
Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

[quote name='Andrew2340' post='310892' date='Jun 3 2009, 23:19 ']The last shot of the day came from Vonore, TN. The chief said this truck was bought used from somewhere in Texas. Apparently the station this truck was parked in caught on fire, but the only damage this truck suffered was a melted lightbar on the cab. The FD in Texas put this incredible LED lightbar on it, and sold it to them for a good deal. Problem is, I can't figure out where in Texas they got it from! The "Engine 21" decals on the cab are original from wherever it served in Texas. Maybe that'll help?

Vonore, TN "Engine 21"

1988 E\-One ???? (what model cab is this?)


SO # 6170

X: ???, TX

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=50993][/quote]

That would be a Cyclone.
[quote name='Andrew2340' post='310920' date='Jun 4 2009, 00:14 ']This was a neat rig! It was actually raining when I shot this one, thankfully no raindrops showed up in the photo!

Woodbine, KY "Rescue Engine 854"

1979 IHC S-1924/Hamerly


S/N # JP-II-1672

X: United FC #1 of Leesport, PA "Rescue 37"

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=51018][/quote]


First of all, you are the MAN ! Heck about those big city trucks, the fun is in the burbs where you find all of these unique rigs on there second or third lifes. Keep up the good work. Additional info on the rig from the Union Fire Company of Leesport (Berks County, PA):

From Al Powell's files:

1979 Intl S-1900/Hamerly, 1000 (Wat 5-79)/500, light rescue-attack pumper, extended front bumper with winch, chassis purchased from Lowe & Moyer,Inc., total cost $55,000, additional $15,000 for equipment, delvd 9-1- 79, in service 10-30-79, in May,1980 Lukas rescue system added to equipt for $7500, fiberglas tank, 8 cyl gas powered, Spicer 5 spd manual trans, Ramsey pto 7½-ton winch, 7.2 KW generator, in 5-80 Lukas rescue system added, in 1996 offered for sale-asked $40,000, 1-97 unsold-anxious to sell-space needed in station-asked $25,000, in 1999 sold to Wynn’s Fire Equipt-Woodbine,KY, re-sold to Woodbine VFD (Whitely Co.), KY.

Bruce W. Anderson


Southeastern PA Region
it was refurbed in 2001 by Wynn. trying to find out the name of the movie it was in. the rig came from a dept. about 20 minutes from here, they had a lot of problems with the SPI part of the truck.

[quote name='Andrew2340' post='310894' date='Jun 3 2009, 23:23 ']On my most recent trip, I started off the day with these trucks in Springdale, TN. What a neat find!!

Springdale, TN "Engine 99"

1987 Mack CF688FC/Steeldraulics (SPI)


Cha. # 1188

SPI S/N # 860329

X: North Caldwell, NJ

X: (Some Hollywood TV Show or Movie, possibly Third Watch or Backdraft)

X: Clark County, KY

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=50994][/quote]

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Here it is in NMB.

they were just getting ready to sell it when we were there. it was like a hundred and thirty degrees out when I shot it, which accounts for the murkiness.

[quote name='Andrew2340' post='310901' date='Jun 3 2009, 23:37 ']North Tazewell, TN "Engine 63"

1980 Mack MC611/1993 Craft Emergency Equipment (SteelCraft) Refurb


Cha. # 1046

X: North Myrtle Beach, SC "Engine 751"

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=51000][/quote]

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
you are correct!

1983 7722 1-7722 Little York, Texas TX E2 1000/750 Chevrolet C70/American La France Sold:Woodbine, Kentucky

[quote name='Andrew2340' post='310919' date='Jun 4 2009, 00:10 ']Where is this one from?!

Woodbine, KY "Engine 852"

1982 Chevrolet C-70/American LaFrance

(not sure of the pump size, no pump plate anywhere)/1000

Reg. # 7722 (1-7722 I suppose?)

X: ??? (The 911 sticker reminds me of one I see a lot on Texas rigs...)

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=51017][/quote]
1977 H77022 PW400 Amarillo, Texas TX 400/300 4x4 Dodge Power Wagon/Seagrave

one of 2 built for Amarillo.

[quote name='Andrew2340' post='310887' date='Jun 3 2009, 23:09 ']I got a little excited when I found this truck! I figured it might possibly be GA_Dave's old truck from College Park, GA (the one that didn't get wrecked!) or one of Chattanooga, TN's old minipumpers. However, upon a little investigation, we found a Texas inspection sticker in the window. Hmmmm, the mystery kills me...

Greenback, TN "Rescue 73"

1977 Dodge 400/Seagrave


S/N # H-77022

X: ???, TX

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=50989][/quote]

All your info is correct on the X-Perrysville engine. Perrysville is located just north of the City of Pittsburgh. That engine hasn't changed since it left Perrysville, other than the lettering on it.
[quote name='Andrew2340' post='310892' date='Jun 3 2009, 22:19 ']The last shot of the day came from Vonore, TN. The chief said this truck was bought used from somewhere in Texas. Apparently the station this truck was parked in caught on fire, but the only damage this truck suffered was a melted lightbar on the cab. The FD in Texas put this incredible LED lightbar on it, and sold it to them for a good deal. Problem is, I can't figure out where in Texas they got it from! The "Engine 21" decals on the cab are original from wherever it served in Texas. Maybe that'll help?

Vonore, TN "Engine 21"

1988 E\-One ???? (what model cab is this?)


SO # 6170

X: ???, TX

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=50993][/quote]

Ex Eagle Mountain Lake TX Engine 21.


and the fire

Winston Salem, NC "Engine 6"

2005 Spartan Gladiator/Crimson


S/N # 05130-001

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

West Hamblen County, TN "Engine 301"

1992 Pierce Dash


Job # E-7255

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

West Hamblen County, TN "Engine 303"

1998 IHC 4900/KME


GSO # 3683

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

West Hamblen County, TN "Brush 300"

1989 Ford F-350/Slagle's


S/N # ???

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

This truck was recently replaced by a 2009 Kenworth/4Guys pumper-tanker. I shot these last Saturday and they were leaving early the following morning for Myersdale, PA to retrieve their new truck. As soon as the new ride goes in service, this truck is being sent to Centerview, TN. Some of you may remember me posting pics from Centerview a few years earlier. They have a Ford C/Bruco engine (ex-Phoenix HC of Hollidaysburg, PA), a Ford L/Grumman pumper-tanker (ex-Ossippee, NH), and two brush trucks.

West Hamblen County, TN "X Tanker 302"

1982 Ford L-900/4Guys


S/N # F-460

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

Morristown, TN "Engine 5"

2001 Pierce Saber

1500/500/50' SkyBoom

Job # 11947

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

Morristown, TN "Engine 4"

1989 Pierce Dash


Job # E-5049

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

Morristown, TN "Haz-Mat 1"

2005 ALF Eagle

Regional Response Haz-Mat Unit (Covers 16 Counties in Eastern TN)

Reg. # W-21933

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6



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