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yeppers....Broad Brook is part of East Windsor .......along with Warehouse Point. don't know a thing about the piece tho
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 (KJV)
[quote name='creofire' post='324994' date='Jul 28 2009, 20:09 ']Found this old International/Hahn in VT I believe it is orginally from CT[/quote]

Its actually not from the Broad Brook, CT fire department. Its from the Broad Brook VT Fire Department, its located in tiny tiny village of East Barnard (about 6 miles of dirt road just to get there no matter what direction you come from). I don't believe this rig was new to them but they were running this up about 2 years ago, it was replaced w/ a early 90's KME pumper somewhere from New York State. They also run a 70's vintage chevy? tanker (overloaded ex-milk tanker) and an 70's chevy pick up truck brush unit. This unit is a International/Hahn but I don't know pump or tank size. I am not entirely sure but I think the department may have or working on changing their name to the East Barnard Vol. Fire Dept. rather than the Broad Brook Vol. Fire Dept.
[quote name='Andrew2340' post='323321' date='Jul 21 2009, 22:00 ']Hopefully one of you New Yorkers will recognize this rig from her previous life. It served somewhere in New York, and was last inspected there in 2002, before being sold to Striggersville, TN. I looked everywhere for the minipumper body that came off this truck and turned up nothing.

Striggersville, TN "X 1107"

1962 Dodge 200/???

X: ???, NY

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=54057][/quote]

My guess Andy, it was a pick up with a skid load tank/pump. But then again just my guess. I would love to have the old girl.3

Quote:Found this old International/Hahn in VT I believe it is orginally from CT

Quote:Its actually not from the Broad Brook, CT fire department. Its from the Broad Brook VT Fire Department, its located in tiny tiny village of East Barnard (about 6 miles of dirt road just to get there no matter what direction you come from). I don't believe this rig was new to them but they were running this up about 2 years ago.....

Having just a tad bit more info would be a great help in identifying this one. In the years that the International 2110 chassis was available, Hahn built less than a half-dozen. Most were 1000/1000, one was a 1000/1500, but I don't think this one is large enough for a 1500 gallon tank. Most likely, it is H10-61, a 1972 model that was delivered to Londonderry, VT.
Found this old Cape May, NJ ladder truck in Elliston, Virginia (near Roanoke).

1977 Seagrave SR-20768 100' with s/n G75135.

It is currently for sale at a garage. If any interest, I have contact information.

Mike Sanders

Winchester, VA

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Mike Sanders

Winchester, VA
Need some help with this one. A freind of mine found this on the side of teh road somewhere in Vermont, no idea where. the hydraulic boom is one of the oddest I've ever seen. Any Ideas?





Pics were taken by Jim Savage from Wolfeboro, NH FD on his vacation.
Another that my friend Jim found in Vermont, this old Ford / Howe.





Pics were taken by Jim Savage of Wolfeboro, NH FD
This one I found on the side of the road in Brookfield, NH, former Danvers, MA Pirsch Ladder.


pic by me.
Another view, former Danvers, MA Ladder


Pic by me
Former Somersworth, NH Eng-2 1957 IHC / Farrar was in service until the early 1980's. Sits for sale in Farmington, NH.


pic by me
Another mystery truck. Found this on the side of the road in Newfield, ME on Rt 110. Looks like some sort of pumper / hose wagon on what looks like a 1939 GMC chassis. No clue what department it's from. Any suggestions?



pics by me

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Same 1939 GMC, the officer's side is in really rough shape. looks like judging by the plates it was last registered in 1974.


pic by me
[quote name='Tommy McQuade' post='326250' date='Aug 2 2009, 15:28 ']Need some help with this one. A freind of mine found this on the side of teh road somewhere in Vermont, no idea where. the hydraulic boom is one of the oddest I've ever seen. Any Ideas?

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=54646]

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=54647]

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=54649]

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=54650]

Pics were taken by Jim Savage from Wolfeboro, NH FD on his vacation.[/quote]

I don't think this was a used as a piece of fire apparatus. It appears to have been added afetr the pump and hose bed part had been removed.
John Hinant
Retired Member of Richmond VA Fire Bureau

October 25, 1858 - October 25, 2020 = 162 years old
The sixth oldest paid, documented, Fire Department in the United States
First established in 1782

"In God We Trust - All Others We Take For Granted"
[quote name='Truckman' post='326300' date='Aug 2 2009, 16:40 ']I don't think this was a used as a piece of fire apparatus. It appears to have been added afetr the pump and hose bed part had been removed.[/quote]

Wouldn't surprise me. Wished I knew where he found it or it had a legible department name on it. At first I wondered if the boom was for a crane or something, but if that were the case i would have thought that I would have seen a similar truck like it somewhere and never have. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/shrug.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Shrug' />
I don't know where it is from, but I did see it about a month ago, looks like it is in the same spot. Its on Rt. 2 between Danville & West Danville Vermont. I wanted to stop and take a look but really was pushed for time.

[quote name='Tommy McQuade' post='326250' date='Aug 2 2009, 15:28 ']Need some help with this one. A freind of mine found this on the side of teh road somewhere in Vermont, no idea where. the hydraulic boom is one of the oddest I've ever seen. Any Ideas?

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=54646]

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=54647]

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=54649]

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=54650]

Pics were taken by Jim Savage from Wolfeboro, NH FD on his vacation.[/quote]
[quote name='e11ramfireman' post='326315' date='Aug 2 2009, 17:37 ']I don't know where it is from, but I did see it about a month ago, looks like it is in the same spot. Its on Rt. 2 between Danville & West Danville Vermont. I wanted to stop and take a look but really was pushed for time.[/quote]

Hmmmm, ok I know where that is...may have to take a field trip myself one of these days. Thanks for the info.
[quote name='Trulucky' post='313890' date='Jun 15 2009, 09:14 ']This truck was purchased by the Town of Scranton, SC and was banana yellow. The Town of Scranton contracted fire protection with South Lynches in the 90's and it came to South Lynches as part of that deal. It was sold to Brightsville in 1996. It orginally came from VA, maybe Roanoke or Roanoke County?[/quote]

It took a little while but I found this photo in my files that might be related to post #2172 and #2177. I don't personally have the details or info on this one but I think we might have some additional in the ODHFS Oren archive file. I have two other photos of Roanoke County Orens like this, but E-9 is the closest in construction features of the 3. What do you think?

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Was out and about today and came accross a bunch of old relics. Up first is a CF mack From Dillsburg Pa

Next will be 3 Seagraves. Only info I could find was the 119 on the door and there was an old plauque on the floor from a fireman convention in Ohio. There were not any plates that would identify her

The next one was realy hard to see. So this isnt a very good shot all I could see was St Charles Fire Dept Engine 103 on the door



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