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Garden State Oldies

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Jay Kormann

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  • Juliet Lima
[quote name='taurudak' post='330507' date='Aug 18 2009, 19:49 ']More negatives from a parade in Burlington City a long time ago. Tried to dress them up a little. Thanks guys for the input on the last ones. Some of these really need some info.

Delran X-Eng 2022 is a Seagrave.[/quote]

Engine 2322. I believe it is a 1973. Later run by Brevent Park-Leonardo FC in Middletown, Monmouth County.
Jay Kormann
Great shots, guys! That A-F is incredible!
[color="#CC0000"]Young: The Cadillac Of Fire Apparatus.

Andy Pagano[/color]
[quote name='taurudak' post='330518' date='Aug 18 2009, 20:00 ']Relief FC of Burlington Twp ran this Seagrave.[/quote]

1963 Seagrave. They still have it and it does still run calls from time to time.
Jay Kormann
[quote name='taurudak' post='330905' date='Aug 20 2009, 15:31 ']I've got two from the Endeavor FC of Burlington. First is a Mack CF. No further info.[/quote]

1969 Mack CF. Sold to America Hose Co. #4 in Mount Holly in 1986. Current whereabouts unknown.
Jay Kormann
[quote name='taurudak' post='330518' date='Aug 18 2009, 20:00 ']Relief FC of Burlington Twp ran this Seagrave.[/quote]

This is the oldest continuously used active volunteer fire company in the United States. It was organized in 1752 as Britannia Fire Company, according to [url=""][/url] --- oops, I entered the above when it was late last night after being up since before dawn. Now I realize what an error I made in not seeing this was Relief of Burlington Townshiip. I was thinking Relief of Mount Holly.
Rich Dean, Butler, New Jersey, USA

Member of Kinney Hose Co. 1, Butler Fire Dept. since 1973, Fire Police Officer since 2000

Dispatcher at Butler Police Communications from March 1975 to July 2009

Secretary of North Jersey Volunteer Firemen's Association since 1980

Member of Tri-Boro First Aid Squad (volunteer ems) since 2000 as a driver

Member of many Yahoogroups, owner of some such as:

[post="0"]FirematicEvents Yahoogroup[/post]the place to for listing and discussion of any event by a public safety organization.

[post="0"]RailfanEvents Yahoogroup[/post]

[post="0"]Railpics Yahoogroup[/post]
[quote name='Richard_L_Dean_07405' post='331012' date='Aug 21 2009, 00:26 ']This is the oldest continuously used active volunteer fire company in the United States. It was organized in 1752 as Britannia Fire Company, according to [url=""][/url][/quote]

Rich, you are thinking of Relief Fire Company of Mount Holly and while that is true about them being around since 1752,the truck in question belongs to the Relief Fire Company of Burlington Township who has only existed since 1957.
Jay Kormann
[quote name='taurudak' post='330922' date='Aug 20 2009, 15:58 ']And finally (I mean it this time) Birchwood FC of Rockaway Twp, Morris Co brought this American LaFrance Century.[/quote]

That ALF with the portrait on the cab front was a favorite at many paades in and around Morris County for years. When it was new, Birchwood brought it to a relay pumping course at our county fire academy. I felt bad for those guys because there were a lot of problems with it that day. BTW, that is where I learned how to simulate about 500 feet of 3 inch hose between pumpers by using a length or two of inch and a half.
Rich Dean, Butler, New Jersey, USA

Member of Kinney Hose Co. 1, Butler Fire Dept. since 1973, Fire Police Officer since 2000

Dispatcher at Butler Police Communications from March 1975 to July 2009

Secretary of North Jersey Volunteer Firemen's Association since 1980

Member of Tri-Boro First Aid Squad (volunteer ems) since 2000 as a driver

Member of many Yahoogroups, owner of some such as:

[post="0"]FirematicEvents Yahoogroup[/post]the place to for listing and discussion of any event by a public safety organization.

[post="0"]RailfanEvents Yahoogroup[/post]

[post="0"]Railpics Yahoogroup[/post]
[quote name='Jay Kormann' post='331024' date='Aug 21 2009, 02:43 ']Rich, you are thinking of Relief Fire Company of Mount Holly and while that is true about them being around since 1752,the truck in question belongs to the Relief Fire Company of Burlington Township who has only existed since 1957.[/quote]

Jay thanks. I already posted a correction when I came back to the computer this morning. It was late last night and I did not see the part about Burlington Township.
Rich Dean, Butler, New Jersey, USA

Member of Kinney Hose Co. 1, Butler Fire Dept. since 1973, Fire Police Officer since 2000

Dispatcher at Butler Police Communications from March 1975 to July 2009

Secretary of North Jersey Volunteer Firemen's Association since 1980

Member of Tri-Boro First Aid Squad (volunteer ems) since 2000 as a driver

Member of many Yahoogroups, owner of some such as:

[post="0"]FirematicEvents Yahoogroup[/post]the place to for listing and discussion of any event by a public safety organization.

[post="0"]RailfanEvents Yahoogroup[/post]

[post="0"]Railpics Yahoogroup[/post]

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