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St. Louis Metro
[quote name='SLCPDEXPLORER' date='16 November 2009 - 02:49 PM' timestamp='1258403357' post='347758']

Northeast Ambulance & Fire District

Medic 4737

2009 Ford/Wheeled Coach

*A recent news article stated the district purchased 3 new ambulances, the final payment could not be made due to a court ruling freezing the districts funds. The district has an unknown amount of lawsuits and other legal troubles. A simple google seach will bring up a lot more detailed information.

Here is a shot of one of the new units with its "highly visible" solid black paint scheme.

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=59557]


Are they changing their RED pumpers to black when they are replaced?

Just my thoughts how could you ever change from RED to any other color today after the whole lime green disaster in the 1970-1990's. In my mind there are three except able colors Solid Red, Solid White or Black over Red. Just my thoughts and opinion, yes I am traditional.

Stay Safe, Rick
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
[quote name='StLFF34' date='16 November 2009 - 05:11 PM' timestamp='1258411905' post='347801']

You are fact the medic unit has apparently been moved to E26. The new H&L6 is still a quint. So the idea is they are 1st in they will assume 1st in engine company duties.


If they are first due will they assign another Truck Company to the alarm card. Why did they decide to keep pumps on the new Truck's? Now that there are Trucks in each district has Truck Company work improved or changed? Thanks for the help.

JUST FYI: No harm no foul: If a KCFD Truck Company arrives without a Pumper they still act as a Truck. It would have to be a very desperate situation for a KCFD Truck to pull a line, if their rig has a pump. In my department on my shift we act as a Truck even though our tower ladder is wet if we are first due. Now our other shifts they might act as an engine. It is really just situational and what you have on arrival. Although I miss the dry Trucks of yester year it made things very simple.

Stay Safe, Rick
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
[quote name='MFD 61 KS' date='17 November 2009 - 02:35 PM' timestamp='1258488928' post='347976']

Are they changing their RED pumpers to black when they are replaced?

Just my thoughts how could you ever change from RED to any other color today after the whole lime green disaster in the 1970-1990's. In my mind there are three except able colors Solid Red, Solid White or Black over Red. Just my thoughts and opinion, yes I am traditional.

Stay Safe, Rick


Chances are that the people who decided on black ambulances will not be around when new fire apparatus are purchased. If you google the fire district, you will get the hint.
Now that H&6 is a single unit house are they keeping the Engine House 12 station #? STLFD already has a Engine House 6 with a single unit Engine 6 in District 3. Just a thought.
STL Fire thanks for the info.

Be safe.
Larry Di Camillo

Fire Chief

Stafford Fire Department


Houston Fire Department

Ladder Co. 68 "A"
We can only hope that the incompetant baffoons (and that's putting it nicely!) that are "managing" the Northeast Ambulance and Fire District won't be in there much longer. Thanks (somewhat) to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch for bringing to light how these crooked incomps have ruined a fire district that was doing just fine before they arrived a few years back. When the incomps decided to fire 98% of the white firefighters and medics so they could replace them with black firefighters and medics, that's when the trouble began and the fire district began its tailspin into what we see of it today.

Northeast, when they were the Normandy Fire Protection District, had solid red apparatus for many, many years. They switched over to black-over-red about 8 or 9 years ago, and now the incomps ordered 3 solid black ambulances with red striping. Wow, that's going to be hot next summer! Smoothe move, Exlax! That goes to show you the mindset of of these incomps.

We can only hope that positive results will be seen very soon in that district.

Contrary to what the Post-Dispatch said in today's editorial, disolving the fire district and contracting out to the St. Louis Fire Department would NOT be the cheapest, easiest, and best thing to do. This isn't a knock against the StL FD at all, it's just that a complete reorganization of Northeast with competant chiefs and a competant board is what's really needed. Get the crooks out of there and start from scratch, with chiefs and board members that want to do the right thing and run the district in the proper way.

And IAFF Local 2665 has NOTHING to do with what's going on up there negatively with the fire district! That reporter needs to get her facts straight.
gentlemen i am going to be going to branson on wedensday of next week doing the family doing the family thing down there ya know but in order to get from branson back to the chicago area we have to of course go right through my old stomping ground and the home of the red birds. I am not planning on staying but would like to go to the fire museum in the st louis mills mall. Can anybody give me some more info on that and if they have shirts and hats and goodies for sale there.Also can anybody tell me what is going on in the cottleville st peters st charles and ofallon areas i use to sell trucks and equipment down there and my uncle was one of the first ff medics hired in cottleville back in the day. thanks rob
[quote name='JM82' date='19 November 2009 - 02:49 PM' timestamp='1258658952' post='348177']

We can only hope that the incompetant baffoons (and that's putting it nicely!) that are "managing" the Northeast Ambulance and Fire District won't be in there much longer. Thanks (somewhat) to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch for bringing to light how these crooked incomps have ruined a fire district that was doing just fine before they arrived a few years back. When the incomps decided to fire 98% of the white firefighters and medics so they could replace them with black firefighters and medics, that's when the trouble began and the fire district began its tailspin into what we see of it today.

Northeast, when they were the Normandy Fire Protection District, had solid red apparatus for many, many years. They switched over to black-over-red about 8 or 9 years ago, and now the incomps ordered 3 solid black ambulances with red striping. Wow, that's going to be hot next summer! Smoothe move, Exlax! That goes to show you the mindset of of these incomps.

We can only hope that positive results will be seen very soon in that district.

Contrary to what the Post-Dispatch said in today's editorial, disolving the fire district and contracting out to the St. Louis Fire Department would NOT be the cheapest, easiest, and best thing to do. This isn't a knock against the StL FD at all, it's just that a complete reorganization of Northeast with competant chiefs and a competant board is what's really needed. Get the crooks out of there and start from scratch, with chiefs and board members that want to do the right thing and run the district in the proper way.

And IAFF Local 2665 has NOTHING to do with what's going on up there negatively with the fire district! That reporter needs to get her facts straight.


So what is your gripe? Is it that the fire department 98% minority or that they did not paint their rigs a color that you like?
[quote name='bandit' date='19 November 2009 - 07:28 PM' timestamp='1258679285' post='348190']

So what is your gripe? Is it that the fire department 98% minority or that they did not paint their rigs a color that you like?


His gripe has nothing you do with the FF/medics being minorities. Its how the district went about to get that way. There is a problem when you tell well experienced, veteran firefighters to leave. And then turn around and replace them with personel that have very little, to no experience. The districts whole idea is to be the only African American department in St Louis County. Before the current board took office, Normandy Fire District was a well respected, good place to work. But since the current board took over, the place is a joke. A few years back a citizen lost their life when the inexperienced crews went all the way across town to a different location..all because they do not know what they are doing.

All you have to do is watch this video, the topic shouldnt need anymore explination.

[url=""]Around the Firehouse, NEA&FD[/url]
Thanks, SLCPDEXPLORER. You summed up pretty much everything! I was trying to be a little bit more "politically correct", but sometimes you just have to tell it like it is. Well said and nothing that's not true.

For those not from the St. Louis area, go to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's website and read the articles in the archives about Northeast's problems. Lately, there have been a few articles per week on what's going on there. A lot of dirt has been exposed. The district's funds have been frozen and the firefighters haven't recieved a paycheck in a couple of weeks, as the Missouri State Auditor came in and even said that it's the worst she's ever seen.

The citizen that SLCPDEXPLORER is referring to drowned in a pool at a country club because the part-time medics on the ambulance didn't know the district streets. Had the incompetant black chiefs and board not fired just about every white employee who had been there for several years prior, the person probably would've survived, since the ambulance would've gotten there in about 3 minutes versus the 25 or so minutes it took them to get there!

Bandit, I'm not complaining ("griping") so much about Northeast's choice to go to black-over-red apparatus, but you have to know the background about what's been going on up in that district and the idiots that are running it. A solid black ambulance is just one of many examples of their mindset. Maybe this sounds somewhat racial, but a solid black ambulance, I believe, is their way of showing that a totally black fire department ("employees", that is, not fire apparatus) is their goal. You can disagree with me all day long, but this is just my opinion.

I like black-over-red apparatus, but I prefer solid red or white-over-red as a preference. Chrome yellow, lime yellow, lime green, I'm not real crazy about those colors. White is OK, but I'll take red any day. I'm a traditionalist.
[quote name='chief' date='19 November 2009 - 02:49 PM' timestamp='1258662540' post='348182']

gentlemen i am going to be going to branson on wedensday of next week doing the family doing the family thing down there ya know but in order to get from branson back to the chicago area we have to of course go right through my old stomping ground and the home of the red birds. I am not planning on staying but would like to go to the fire museum in the st louis mills mall. Can anybody give me some more info on that and if they have shirts and hats and goodies for sale there.Also can anybody tell me what is going on in the cottleville st peters st charles and ofallon areas i use to sell trucks and equipment down there and my uncle was one of the first ff medics hired in cottleville back in the day. thanks rob


I've got bad news and good news. Bad news is that museum is closed during M-Thur. We used to have more participation, but the numbers of firefighters that came have dwindled. So we are only open fri-sat-sun 12-8. We have FD related tshirts and hats. W have books, childrens videos, throw blankets, ff parrking signs. The only FD shirts we sell are STLFD shirts. We sell stickers, magnets, firetruck trading cards, other small, low-priced memorbilia. The space we have is donated by the mall. Our sales (donations) go to backstoppers and to the missouri burn camp.

For what I know in the st. charles area:

St. Charles City has an entire smeal fleet, except 9432 which is a Pierce ladder. The are now all black over red.

Cottleville has 3 E\-One rescue pumpers and a 100ft Pierce quantum platform

Central County Fire/Rescue has an entire Pierce fleet with th exception of some spares. They have 5 Pierce pumpers, 1 Pierce ladder and 1 Pierce platform. They recently passed a bond issue and they are in the process of hiring 9 firefighters. They are going to be updating their engine houses and working on replacing fire equipment.

Ofallon still has an eone fleet except the new ladder truck which is a Pierce quantum.

Hopefully that helps.
[quote name='JM82' date='20 November 2009 - 05:14 AM' timestamp='1258714480' post='348219']

Thanks, SLCPDEXPLORER. You summed up pretty much everything! I was trying to be a little bit more "politically correct", but sometimes you just have to tell it like it is. Well said and nothing that's not true.

For those not from the St. Louis area, go to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's website and read the articles in the archives about Northeast's problems. Lately, there have been a few articles per week on what's going on there. A lot of dirt has been exposed. The district's funds have been frozen and the firefighters haven't recieved a paycheck in a couple of weeks, as the Missouri State Auditor came in and even said that it's the worst she's ever seen.

The citizen that SLCPDEXPLORER is referring to drowned in a pool at a country club because the part-time medics on the ambulance didn't know the district streets. Had the incompetant black chiefs and board not fired just about every white employee who had been there for several years prior, the person probably would've survived, since the ambulance would've gotten there in about 3 minutes versus the 25 or so minutes it took them to get there!

Bandit, I'm not complaining ("griping") so much about Northeast's choice to go to black-over-red apparatus, but you have to know the background about what's been going on up in that district and the idiots that are running it. A solid black ambulance is just one of many examples of their mindset. Maybe this sounds somewhat racial, but a solid black ambulance, I believe, is their way of showing that a totally black fire department ("employees", that is, not fire apparatus) is their goal. You can disagree with me all day long, but this is just my opinion.

I like black-over-red apparatus, but I prefer solid red or white-over-red as a preference. Chrome yellow, lime yellow, lime green, I'm not real crazy about those colors. White is OK, but I'll take red any day. I'm a traditionalist.


I would have liked to have our new medic units black over red to match the new equipment, but thinking about our summers and having a black roof, I'll take my white top anyday.

Your Shrewsbury ambulance is pretty sharp. I was hoping to score a cappucino when I saw it the otherday. Apparently that was the only thing you didnt get. lol
Yeah, the new 1817 has a few extra bells and whistles on it than what we would've ordered, but since it was a demo, hey, we'll take it! It rides nice and the LEDS really light up the place at night. Our 1998 Freightliner had seen better days (including the suspension!), so it was nice to see it go bye-bye.

It's fun having a new ride! Those STLFD wagons look good, too!
They look good for now. Were on notice to document every scratch, ding, scuff, dent, paint chip that we find on the trucks. They must have forgotten that they bought trucks that are taller and wider than the last internationals: not to mention 13 trucks that run a combined 75,000 calls a year. It wont be long til were buying metro busses new mirrors, creating a sun roof in the patient compartment when we sardine can the roof. They already had to call the d/c and fiu to report on our truck for a scuff that if your're not looking for it, you do not see it. we get scratched with tree limbs, we write, when the new H&L5 runs its ladder through a group of trees, it's all of the sudden ok.
Our chief isn't that anal about scratches, etc. Dents and crumples, yeah! But scratches from tree limbs are going to happen no matter if a department runs a van, Type I or III rig. We've seen these scratches already on our new pumper. It's tall and we knew it would happen. A rig isn't going to remain "showroom pretty" forever.

Yeah, those new Hook & Ladders are going to be scratched up, dinged and dented before too long. It's the nature of our business with what these rigs go through.
[quote name='JM82' date='20 November 2009 - 06:14 AM' timestamp='1258714480' post='348219']

Thanks, SLCPDEXPLORER. You summed up pretty much everything! I was trying to be a little bit more "politically correct", but sometimes you just have to tell it like it is. Well said and nothing that's not true.

The citizen that SLCPDEXPLORER is referring to drowned in a pool at a country club because the part-time medics on the ambulance didn't know the district streets. Had the incompetant black chiefs and board not fired just about every white employee who had been there for several years prior, the person probably would've survived, since the ambulance would've gotten there in about 3 minutes versus the 25 or so minutes it took them to get there!


Thank you for being politically correct. Being an outsider and reading your post, I hope you understand why I posted a reply. From the articles I have read this organization does have problems, just as others do. It just sucks the BLACK CHIEFS caused all this mess, because if they were a different color, I am sure things would have ran without a problem. Have a great day.

Stay safe
Please don't get me wrong in that ALL black chief officers or board members are bad or incompetant, because that's not what I'm saying. I'm sure that there are several fine black chiefs and board members all across the nation, just as there are incompetant white chiefs and board members out there.

Unfortunately, the Normandy Fire Protection District (now known as the Northeast Ambulance and Fire District) all-black board members that got voted in there a few years ago began hiring black firefighters and paramedics, then firing the white firefighters and medics and forcing the older white firefighters to retire, as their goal was to have an all-black employee fire department. Had the shoe been on the other foot, my God, we'd have seen Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, amongst others, marching in the streets in the St. Louis area shouting of how unfair it was!

Just like I trully believe the 3 brand new all-black Wheeled Coach ambulances that they just took delivery of a few weeks ago is their message of black power. Yes, it sounds racial on my part, but I know others that feel the same way as I do.

The Normandy Fire Protection District had its problems, as do all fire districts and departments, but nothing like is going on now. But the incompetant black board members who got voted in decided to "fix" something that wasn't broken. Go to today's Post-Dispatch online and read about the fight that took place at yesterday's emergency meeting of the board and the 3 arrests that were made. It's interesting reading, and I'll leave it at that, except to say how the incompetance has gotten out of hand and how the repairs that must now be done and what a long time it'll probably take to fix that district.
Finally got my internet at my new apartment! So back to posting some stuff!

First up, The new H&L 5 at a 3rd alarm in the central west end.

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These shots are all from the same fire. not a big fire but it went to 3 alarms quick with 1 injury and MULTI-stories.

Here is Pumper 28 and H&L 5, 1st due. I thought this was a cool shot.

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The new Medic 35

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