Yes, Circleville's rescue is a KME. They were on standby for Coldenham for the first part of the wetdown.
Nobody from the parade came over afterward (except maybe a few other spectators besides me). Quite surprised Greenville didn't, seeing as they have a similar vehicle that's only a year or two old. Was hoping Butler might (knowing how much they like going to wetdowns) but no such luck there. I guess everybody opted to stay in Port and await the trophy presentations.
Not like Maybrook's a couple of years ago where Cronomer Valley stopped by on their way home and three guys in uniforms (minus the jacket and hat) sprayed the rig with indian tanks.
Nobody from the parade came over afterward (except maybe a few other spectators besides me). Quite surprised Greenville didn't, seeing as they have a similar vehicle that's only a year or two old. Was hoping Butler might (knowing how much they like going to wetdowns) but no such luck there. I guess everybody opted to stay in Port and await the trophy presentations.
Not like Maybrook's a couple of years ago where Cronomer Valley stopped by on their way home and three guys in uniforms (minus the jacket and hat) sprayed the rig with indian tanks.