[quote name='paganores10cue' date='09 August 2010 - 12:42 PM' timestamp='1281370956' post='396619']
Mike or Jerry, do you guys have any old Buckhall rigs? We have had some remodling done in the station and I was thinking of having pics enlarged for a photo wall.
This is the earliest I have (photos I have taken) from Bucks Hall:
Engine 16
1967 Seagrave
ex- Burke, Virginia
photo taken in July of 1987
Mike Sanders
Winchester, VA
Mike or Jerry, do you guys have any old Buckhall rigs? We have had some remodling done in the station and I was thinking of having pics enlarged for a photo wall.
This is the earliest I have (photos I have taken) from Bucks Hall:
Engine 16
1967 Seagrave
ex- Burke, Virginia
photo taken in July of 1987
Mike Sanders
Winchester, VA
Mike Sanders
Winchester, VA
Winchester, VA