Quote:And I thought E11 ('82 Seagrave) went to form E15 (Then with a '83 ALF Century) which went to form E23 (Same '83 ALF Century and then a '02 Sp/Quality) and then...LOL.
Seriously though is the current incarnation of E11 ('09 KME Predator running out of St. 23) the 2nd or 3rd organization of that company? And why a 6-person crew?
I'm at the Station and don't have my records with me, but as I recall, Engines 15 and 23 both had ALF Century pumpers, not the same one. Engine 15 was closed for a while in the late 1980's while they rebuilt the station. I don't remember if they ran from another house or were temporarily disbanded, but they returned with the same rig. Station 23 was closed for a while due to cutbacks, but was returned to service when Station 11 closed. As far as I know, the current Engine 11 is the 2nd organization, at least in modern times.
The Squad was organized with a Chevy Step Van and a 4-door Chevy C-30 dually with a skid-mount dry chem unit (sorry, no pics of either). The first dedicated squad rig was the 1985 Pirsch/National Ambulance Builders heavy rescue. It was front-line until 1992, then reserve until the current E\-One arrived. The 1992 rig was the Spartan/Hackney, which may still be limping around the city.