The Plainsboro Fire Company celebrated their 50th Anniversery today with a parade and community celebration. The parade was realtively small, some of the companies next door didn't even attend and a light drizzle might have kept the crowds down. Plainsboro is located in southern Middlesex County. They protect several large corporate parks, a large shopping center, hotels, US Route 1 and a large research center for Princeton University (which maintains EMS anf Fire protection from the US Department of Energy) and a soon to be completed hospital. A lot of Plainsboro is suburban housing developments and the town was developed in the 1980's and avoided the typical mistakes many older NJ towns made with crowding and a mismatch of zoning regulations. Plainsobor is about 12 square miles with 20,000 people. The fire company handles about 500 incidents a year.
Chief 49
Chief 49