[quote name='Kiddo76' timestamp='1306444861' post='441403']
Lake County, Florida has recently taken delivery of a 2011 International/Pierce Tanker assigned to Tanker 11. This rig will be replacing an 09' International/Pierce Tanker which was originally assigned to Tanker 10. The new assignment for the 09' Tanker is unknown.
The link below is a courtesy of Pierce MFG's Flickr Photostream
[url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/piercemfg/5761671149/in/photostream"]Lake County Tanker 11[/url]
[/quote]Is Station 10 still an "either/or" station? Last time I stopped by there (4 years ago-is) they had the engine and tanker staffed with two FFs.
Lake County, Florida has recently taken delivery of a 2011 International/Pierce Tanker assigned to Tanker 11. This rig will be replacing an 09' International/Pierce Tanker which was originally assigned to Tanker 10. The new assignment for the 09' Tanker is unknown.
The link below is a courtesy of Pierce MFG's Flickr Photostream
[url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/piercemfg/5761671149/in/photostream"]Lake County Tanker 11[/url]
[/quote]Is Station 10 still an "either/or" station? Last time I stopped by there (4 years ago-is) they had the engine and tanker staffed with two FFs.