Here's the specs on the Lewisville trucks:
Engine 111-2008 Spartan/Rosenbauer 1500/1000
Engine 113-2002 Spartan/Luverne 1250/1000
Brush 311-2003 Ford F550/Anchor Richey 250/300/15F
I'm also a volunteer at Lewisville and you're welcome to come by anytime either station 11 or 13. All 3 shifts wouldn't mind pulling the trucks out for you. Just FYI, E113 is due to be replaced next year with a 3,000 gallon elliptical tanker so it's good you shot it before it is sold.
Thanks for the info. 113s replacement going to be another Spartan, or should I say an ERV product? It was the first time going by the station, and surprised to see everyone out drilling. Per chance, were you there around 2:45pm?