Quote:QIC = Quick Intervention Crew = EMS - ALS non-transport. Crew of two. Currently they are fill-ins from other units operating in peak time of 0700-1900. Word is that they will be 24 hours by the end of December. They are operating out of Ford Expeditions. I don't know what the third unit will be in. They are basically what the old "rescue" units were, just in an SUV.The QIC units have been re-numbered since converting to 24 hour units. The unit number correlates to the engine company that they are quartered with, not necessarily the station. QIC 4 (Station 4) could have easily been confused with Quint 4 (Station 39 / Sandy Springs Station 4).
They like their acromymns. I suggested "Medical Emergency Direct Intervention Crew", but they didn't go for it.
QIC #6 - Ford Expedition - Engine #6
QIC #16 - Ford Expedition - Engine #16
QIC #17 - Chevy Suburban (Formerly Batt. #4) - Engine #17