Another one for you NY guys that I will need a pic of once it goes into service. You can see a pic of it on Fenton Fire’s website. Sold to the Panama Fire District in N.Y by the Trevose Fire Company (Bucks County, PA) a 1993 KME Renegade MFD, 6-man, 4-door cab, 1250/750, top-mount pump control console, 138 in. aluminum body accomodating 2000 ft of 5 inch hose, Detroit 6V92TA, 350 HP motor, 7.5KW Onan diesel generator, purchased through Miller Fire & Safety Equipt.-Doylestown,PA, delvd 10-93. Wonder if the new company will repaint it ?
Bruce W. Anderson
Southeastern PA Region
Southeastern PA Region