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Nashville Bound
Since I was in the States for the past couple of weeks I haven't checked "my" websites and it is only now I see this topic.


Way too late and I hope you've found what you've been looking for.


Station 2 and 9 are the two "real" downtown stations.


Station 2 was old HQ and is located at 2nd Ave N with Gay Street.

They've an engine, a truck, a rescue, 2 gators and a med unit.


Station 9 is at Lea Ave between 2nd Ave S and 3rd Ave S. This is the busiest house of NFD and it houses District 9, 2 engines, a tiller, a fast car (EMS) and 2 med units.

Station 9 normally have a ton of t shirts (several company and district t shirts, hats, sweaters,...) Every company has access to the t shirts.

The guy who you were talking about, the dentist, is Larry McCown or better known as CL.

Great guy and a walking fire encyclopedia.


Messages In This Thread
Nashville Bound - by Guest - 03-13-2014, 12:19 AM
Nashville Bound - by maxim - 03-13-2014, 09:39 AM
Nashville Bound - by Guest - 03-13-2014, 10:19 AM
Nashville Bound - by Guest - 04-01-2014, 09:27 AM

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