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Virginia City - Storey County Fire Dept. Nevada????
So checking out street veiw on google earth I noticed that in Virginia City theres 2 fire station side by side, one is 5 bays the other is 2 bays, the 5 bay station looks older but looks to be built that way. So trying to find out why theres 2 seperate stations. I went to thier website but didnt find any help there they list the 2 bay station as sta. 1 with all aparatus pictures out front of it but no mention of the 5 bay station or why they have 2 different fire stations. I understand that there is paid personnel in Virginia City and volunteer but they state they work hand in hand and even wear the same uniforms. but why 2 fire stations and not 1? If anyone could explain this and why that would be awsome!


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Virginia City - Storey County Fire Dept. Nevada???? - by BHFire13 - 03-31-2014, 10:00 PM
Virginia City - Storey County Fire Dept. Nevada???? - by Guest - 04-03-2014, 12:14 PM

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