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Changing Flash Patterns on Whelen Lights
We are about to take delivery of a 2014 Pierce Impel.  It has a Whelen Warning light "package".  I have read the instructions on line about changing flash patterns, but it seems a little more complicated for a novice/amateur like myself (unplug this wire...take this wire and apply 12 volts to it...isolate that wire...etc...).


Does anyone have a way to explain this to me in more simple terms?  Is it really as complicated as my brain is comprehending it to be?  Our 2005 Tanker has a Code 3 light bar, and changing that flash pattern was as simple as pressing a flat-head screw driver to to connector/connection thingies.


Obviously, if I can't figure out how to do it and not blow up the truck...I just won't do it.  But surely it can't be that complicated.



Messages In This Thread
Changing Flash Patterns on Whelen Lights - by southwheatland514 - 03-13-2014, 12:56 PM
Changing Flash Patterns on Whelen Lights - by Guest - 03-13-2014, 08:04 PM
Changing Flash Patterns on Whelen Lights - by Guest - 03-14-2014, 10:43 PM
Changing Flash Patterns on Whelen Lights - by Guest - 03-15-2014, 10:03 AM

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