Quote:Doc, I know your dislike for the Velocity and Impel, how about the XT?Terrible interior layout very chopped up IMO. Hump in the rear floor for the pto hell did they get that from E\-One. We had a chance to get the Tower on an Arrow XT when that cab was in development and we went to Appleton and checked it out before it was unveiled and we picked it apart and the La. Guys hated us (Remember that cab was developed for La. City). I will say with the sales jump that it received after the Virtuosity and Impulse came out they did make some changes to the Arrow such as multiplexing and single AC condensers but I could never understand why not just bring back the Dash interior in it.
Also I think it's funny how Pierce is going to offer a "Tough Interior" without charging customers thousands of dollars not to put vinyl and plastic in the cab. Hell they tried to charge us a ton of money for a Line-Xed interior and door panels but lucky for us DC had some Dashs on the blue floor inspecting them which the project manager said their isn't an up charge on Line--X it's just a pain to get them to Green Bay to get it done. Well needless to say we were credited a ton of money back on the Tower and future pumpers with Line-Xed interiors.